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Where's the Lemonade?
Episode 6
Season 5
#5.6 You Asked, We Answered
This week Darren and Paige asked their listeners to submit questions that we have not addressed on the show. Some of these questions were hard to answer but we did it anyway. Check out the questions below.
Have you been able to stay friends with other couples who had previously been friends with you & your ex? If so, have those couple friends become friends with you & your new spouse?
I am always interested in how couples attack the money issue…. I would say that is the hardest part of a marriage, I think kids are the hardest part of a marriage also without kids around what would there be to argue about except for money!
What was the main motivation to decide to jump into the dating scene again after your divorces?
Weren't you scared of getting into a relationship again? Especially with someone who was also divorced?
How did you tell your kids and how did they respond when you told them you were getting remarried and they were going to have to live with step siblings etc? How hard was that?
What advice would you give to someone just very recently divorced? What thoughts, attitudes, or actions help things to go well. Or, with hindsight, what things do you wish you had done differently? Any good survival tips for the frustration times during and early after?
What advice do you have for someone who is a friend watching someone they love go through a divorce?
How did you both deal with being in the same ward and church with Darrens ex?
Lemonade Moment of the Week
This week we went to Yosemite to take in the beautiful waterfalls and incredible views. After a great morning hiking to Vernal Falls, we decided to head over the Yosemite falls and then El Capitan. We hoped in the car and saw a line of cars blocking our way out of the Park. A rockside blocked the road out of the park. We took a detour to Currey Village for a two hour lunch to wait for the traffic to clear. Traffic appeared to be moving so we hopped in the car and headed out of the park. Four hours later we left the park, with great memories of the Park.
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