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The Next Reel Film Podcast
Episode 34
Season 12
The Twilight Saga: Eclipse • The Next Reel
“Let’s face it – I AM hotter than you.”
The melodrama continues between Bella and Jacob and Edward
David Slade takes the helm with the third adaptation of Stephenie Meyer’s supernatural romance novels, but how does it do to advance the story? Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we continue our series on the Twilight films with Slade’s 2010 film The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
The melodrama continues between Bella and Jacob and Edward
David Slade takes the helm with the third adaptation of Stephenie Meyer’s supernatural romance novels, but how does it do to advance the story? Join us – Pete Wright and Andy Nelson – as we continue our series on the Twilight films with Slade’s 2010 film The Twilight Saga: Eclipse.
Here’s a hint at what we talk about.
The romance novel love triangle just keeps happening, even though we feel it’s over. Bella’s already made up her mind – she wants to marry Edward. So why does Jacob keep rearing his ugly head in all of this? And why is Bella interested in either of these guys when they’re both clearly problematic?
We talk about all of this romance and debate why this film feels so much more sluggish than the previous two. Is it Slade’s direction? Or the nature of Meyer’s source material? And why is Victoria still a thing? We struggle with caring about her, despite the change in actor.
Why are the Vulturi reduced to their youngsters playing vampire hall monitors? And what’s up with Victoria’s plan to use Riley and the newborn vampires to finally kill Bella? Are we buying any of this?
This film is a tough one to get through. We both have issues with it from the start. But sometimes, those make for the most fun conversations and that’s certainly the case here. Check it out then tune in! The Next Reel – when the movie ends, our conversation begins!
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- Welcome to The Next Reel • The Twilight Saga: Eclipse
- Title and Inspiration
- Rating
- Bella and Edward
- Pacing and Tone
- Team Edward or Team Jacob?
- Imprinting
- Jacob and Werewolves
- Middle Story Issues
- Villains
- Victoria
- Plot
- Backstories
- Edward and Jacob
- Final Scene
- Silver Linings
- Howard Shore
- Low End
- Graduation Speech
- Credits
- Awards
- The Box Office
- Last Thoughts
- Coming Next Week • The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn – Part 1
- Letterboxd
- Wrap Up