COMMIT FIRST - w/ Sagi Shrieber
Episode 55
Season 1
55: Tips for Outsourcing and Hiring a Virtual Team (w/ David Young, Fellow SPI Accelerator Member and Founder of DroneLaunchAcademy)
Hey everybody, today on the show I brought on my friend and fellow member of SPI Accelerator - David Young.
David is the founder of DroneLaunchAcademy and is now selling online training and physical products, with revenue on the high end of 6 figures. But it wasn’t always like that. Today David and I talk about one super important aspect of building an online business which I don’t find many people talking about these days - and that’s - Growing a Remote Team.
We talk about concepts that I only learned in the past two years but it seems like David has got them down for years. We talk about SOPs, Hiring and outsourcing, managing your team, delegating, documenting and creating proper processes.
If you’re into building your online business and brand you’ll definitely walk out of this conversation with a ton of insights not only in the actionable tips but also in how your mind should work when running a business.
Okay ready? let’s do this.
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