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Mary Swander's Buggy Land
Episode 63
Season 1
Season #4, Episode #63: St. Patrick's Day Special
Host Mary Swander interviews local historian Roger Duffey about the early settlement of Buggy Land, the Irish becoming neighbors and inter-marrying with the Amish. Swander recites her poem "Quay," and her monologue "Craic and a Jug of Poitin." Sean Fitzgerald lilts, plays Irish pipes, and tin whistle. John Corless sings "The Rose of Tralee" and "Down by the Salley Gardens" by William Butler Yeats.
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AgArts is a non-profit organization based in Kalona, Iowa, whose mission is to imagine and promote healthy food systems through the arts. The Executive Director and host of Buggy Land is award-winning author Mary Swander. Learn more about AgArts: