The Engage For Good Podcast with Alli Murphy
Episode 205
Season 1
205: This Waste Disposal Company Gives Nonprofits Trash Bags Full of Money
Today on Cause Talk Radio, Megan and Joe talk to James Mitchener, Marketing Manager at Waste Industries, about the Full Circle Project, a customer-driven fundraiser that to-date has donated nearly $1 million to charities.
On show, Megan, James and Joe discuss:
- How the Full Circle Project works. Customers get to choose which charities Waste Industries supports.
- How did Waste Industries educate customers about the program? It took some time to engage customers and convince them that Waste Industries was adding the donation to their bills!
- Focus of the program is on local charities and Waste Industries identifies charities within nine "need" areas (e. g. cancer, animal rescue, veterans, etc.).
- Waste Industries works with local nonprofits to communicate the success of the program. They'll even prepare media releases for the nonprofit.
- How the waste industry is learning from James and his team on how to create win-win cause marketing programs.
- What has surprised James and his team most about the Full Circle Project?
- How does Waste Industries choose the charities? What's their criteria?
- The impact of the program has been intergenerational. Millennials, Baby Boomers and everyone in between love the program.
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