GCF NAGA English Sermons
Episode 80
Season 11
Watch the Community - Epistle to the Hebrews Part 37
The author encouraged the letter's readers to pursue peace and holiness, which no one will see the Lord. But, before that, the author explained that God disciplines those He loves because they are His children. Many speak about God’s love, but they seldom speak of His discipline. But it is made clear that one of the expressions of God’s love is His discipline. Therefore, believers should view God’s discipline as chastisement for the wrong committed and training for righteousness and not as God’s rejection to damnation. The author would then impart wisdom in preserving the unity and morality of the community. Although unity and morality were not the author's central theme in the letter, it is necessary to take heed. The central theme of the letter is that Christ is superior to Judaism. Thus, Jewish believers, should continue in the faith. The author warned the community of the consequences of turning away from Christ. Yet the author also encouraged them about the promises of God in Christ.