The Hearing Review Podcast
Episode 10
Season 1
How to Discuss Mental Well-Being with Audiology Patients
In this Hearing Horizons podcast episode, Hearing Review Chief Editor Melanie Hamilton-Basich talks with Bec Bennett, PhD, a clinical and research audiologist at National Acoustic Laboratories in Sydney, Australia, to talk about a program she and her team developed to help audiologists incorporate talking to patients about mental well-being into their practice.
Bec Bennett, BSc (Hons), MAud, MBus, Grad Dip Couns, PhD, is a clinical audiologist and senior research audiologist at National Acoustic Laboratories in Sydney, Australia, and an adjunct senior research fellow at Ear Science Institute Australia and the University of Western Australia. Her research focuses on adult audiological rehabilitation, teleaudiology service delivery, and the social and emotional impacts of hearing loss. She is a NHMRC Investigator Fellow and a director of the board, Audiology Australia.
Find out more about the research that was used to develop the AIMER framework: