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Moonshots Podcast: Superstar mindsets and success habits
Episode 149
Season 1
Ryan Holiday: Courage Is Calling
Ryan Holiday’s first book of an exciting new series on the virtues of ancient philosophy explores the most foundational virtue of all: Courage.
In Courage Is Calling (buy on Amazon), Ryan Holiday breaks down the elements of fear, an expression of cowardice, the elements of courage, an expression of bravery, and lastly, the elements of heroism, an expression of valor. Through engaging stories about historic and contemporary leaders, including Charles De Gaulle, Florence Nightingale, and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Holiday shows you how to conquer fear and practice courage in your daily life.
In a world in which fear runs rampant—when people would rather stand on the sidelines than speak out against injustice, go along with convention than bet on themselves, and turn a blind eye to the realities of modern life—we need courage more than ever.
- Ryan N.
- Marco-Ken Möller
- Mohammad
- Lars Bjørge
- Edward Rehfeldt III
- 孤鸿 月影
- Fabian
- Jasper Verkaart
- Andy Pilara
- ola
- Austin Hammatt
- Zachary Phillips
- Mike Leigh Cooper
- Gayla Schiff
- Laura KE
- Krzysztof
- Roar Nikolay Ytre-Eide
- Stef
- Roger von Holdt
- Jette Haswell
- venkata reddy
- Ingram Casey
- Ola
- Nicoara Talpes
- rahul grover
- Evert van de Plassche
- Ravi Govender
- Craig Lindsay
- Steve Woollard
- Lasse Brurok
- Deborah Spahr
- Barbara
- Samoela
- Jo Hatchard
- Kalman Cseh
- Berg De Bleecker
- Paul Acquaah
- MrBonjour
- Sid
- Liza Goetz
- Konnor Ah kuoi
- Marjan Modara
- Dietmar Baur
- Bob Nolley