This week, Ricky provokes us with a selection of shorts released on TikTok. We discuss the usefulness of the platform for machinima and virtual production creators, as well as pass comment on the three films we take a look at, which unsurprisingly we variously struggle with. Phil's analogy to fish restaurants of different quality sums it up well for us all.
8:19 Fish restaurants
11:51 Dumpsters for paperbacks analogy
15:23 Terry Gilliam said...
19:26 Phil's profound reflection on quality kit
29:52 Crime and Punishment (Dostoyevsky)
35:05 Does Twitter make you a better script writer?
Show notes and links
hereCredits -
Speakers: Ricky Grove, Phil Rice, Tracy Harwood, Damien Valentine
Producer: Phil Rice
Editor: Ricky Grove
Music: Nebular Focus by Dan Henig