GCF NAGA English Sermons
Episode 70
Season 11
Sarah’s Faith - Epistle to the Hebrews Part 26
The author explained that Christ is God. He sits at the highest authority in heaven and on earth. Christ fulfilled the prophecies of the Old Testament. He is the perfect high priest forever; and, Christ is the perfect sacrifice. Thus, the Jewish believers should never throw away their confidence in Christ. Instead, they should endure social discrimination and persecution. Their faith should not shrink back. Otherwise, God would not be pleased. And without faith, it is impossible to please God (11:6). Now faith is the reality of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen (11:1). The author explained that the OT heroes gained God’s approval by faith. Many of them performed amazing feats through faith. Noah built an Ark that saved his family. The author would then discuss Sarah’s faith. She trusted in God’s word. By faith, the impossible became possible.