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Cache Flow
Episode 11
Season 1
How to Double E-commerce Revenue Overnight with TallSlim Tees Dan Deceuster
Dan Deceuster is an affiliate marketer turned e-commerce entrepreneur and the Founder/Owner of Deceuster Digital.
He has a wealth of experience as a full-time e-commerce entrepreneur, successfully building the brand TallSlim Tees which was highly successful before illness forced him to sell the business.
After recovering, Dan helped others with their marketing becoming a VP of Digital Marketing and Marketing Director. Here are a few of the topics we’ll discuss on this episode of Cache Flow:
- Affiliate marketing vs e-commerce.
- How to test if an e-commerce product will be a success.
- How to use forums to generate traffic and build up your SEO score.
- The challenges of staying competitive in the e-commerce space.
- How Google Ads can help you find new keywords.
- How to use short blog posts to boost your SEO score.
- Successful retargeting campaigns.
- The power of niche influencers.
- How men and women shop differently.
Connect with Dan Deceuster:
Connecting with the host:
- Brian Dainis on Linktree
- 4:22 - “Oftentimes sites get stale it’s hard to keep up with content because Google is always rewarding content and with affiliates you just have your one little affiliate link, I think it was just this week or last Google’s already said we’re going to start rewarding sites that have multiple links.”
- 7:17 - “Finally, my light bulb went off and you know what I’ve never been able to find a t-shirt that just fit and I went to Google and I searched t-shirts for tall skinny guys and every result was a forum on Reddit or or something where the forum thread question was hey does anyone know where I can get t-shirts for tall skinny guy and all the responses were no but if you ever find out please let us know so I thought hmm maybe there’s an opportunity here.”
- 17:01 - “It taught me a ton though I used affiliates because I knew the affiliate space, I used ambassadors and social media to get it out there, I used SEO, PPC, Facebook Ads, I just learned the entire arsenal of online marketing tactics and had a great time doing it because the brand was me so people who liked the brand were responding to me.”
- 24:16 - “Where it really started to take off was doing Facebook and on Facebook I did retargeting and so what the strategy was I hired a writer that would come in, and these blog posts were maybe 300 words, they were pretty short but we would basically just answer any question that had the word tall.”