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Episode 8
Season 2
Vincent Tang, Airtable Super-Producer
Welcome to BuiltOnAir, a podcast and video series about all things Airtable. Each week, we talk with someone active in the Airtable community to discuss their experiences and showcase an interesting way they’ve used Airtable in their work.
This episode, we welcome Vincent Tang from Orlando, Florida. Vincent is an e-commerce product manager and workflow specialist. He works for a company that builds and designs restaurants, and he has helped hundreds of restaurants grow from concept to successful franchise.
Vincent built out his company’s product database and purchase-order system through Airtable. During his free time, he loves to explore new tools and writes popular blogs on them. He even writes his own software – some of which is used by hundreds of Airtable users! He speaks at technical developer conferences and has won multiple hackathons.
During his demo, Vincents shows us two Airtable tools he’s created: one that allow non-Airtable users to collaborate on data from Airtable in Google Sheet, and another that allows you to download and rename images stored in Airtable. He also gives us a tour of an Airtable CRM he built for a nonprofit that helps rehabilitate homeless back into society.
Vincent gives us a three part demo:
• A tool he’s created to quickly collaborate with non-Airtable users via Google Sheets
• A tool he’s created to bulk download and rename images uploaded to Airtable
• A CRM base he built for a nonprofit organization that helps rehabilitate homeless back into society
BuiltOnAir is sponsored by Openside.
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