Beccy on Tour - My Semester Abroad in Raleigh, NC, USA
Episode 17
Season 1
Goodbye NC State! - A rundown of the 15 most important lessons I learned, as a European studying in the United States
It's Beccy, your one and only source into the exciting world of American College Life ;)
Eventually, all good things come to an end. Soon my semester abroad at NC State in Raleigh, NC is going to be over and for this last episode of Beccy On Tour, I wanted to give you a rundown of the 15 most important lessons I learned, as a European studying in the United States.
I also want to use this opportunity to thank you guys for being an amazing audience and for your interest in my journey at NC State and the United States in general. A big thank you also goes out to my supervisors and colleagues who supported me every step of the way and to my guests who were willing to share their stories and experiences with me. Thank you for your trust and honesty, I really appreciated it.
Even though this is my last episode, please feel free to keep reaching out to me on Instagram on beccy_schdn or beccyontour_ if you have any questions about American College Life or are in dire need of traveling tips ! ;)