Camano Voice
Episode 15
Season 1
#15: Myra Reinhardt and Laura Byers
Links to Things Mentioned in this Episode:
Key Points of Interest:
- How did Myra and Laura meet each other?
- Why did they end up getting started with Coastal Community Bank?
- Find out how long Myra and Laura have been with Coastal
- They also went all in together with Coastal, and said they wouldn’t do it unless Coastal took both of them
- Laura started in the banking industry in what capacity?
- What brought Myra into the fold of banking?
- Find out how long Myra and Laura have lived on Camano Island
- What are the biggest changes that Myra has noticed from living here for so long?
- And Laura also tells us what she’s seen change
- Why is Coastal Community Bank different than other banks?
- Why did Laura take on her position, and how did that lead to Myra to her position?
- I misspoke earlier on in the interview, and you get to hear about how Coastal Community got started here on Camano Island.
Camano Island Locations Mentioned in this Episode: