Health Rants Trailer Bonus Episode 24 Season 1

The Crazies Don't Help

The Crazies Don't HelpThe Crazies Don't Help


More episodes

  1. The Crazies Don't Help

  2. Overkill

  3. Post Pandemic

  4. Science doesn't Lie, but scientists can.

  5. Post COVID - I Survived

  6. Anti-Vaxer

  7. Numbers Don't Lie

  8. COVID Vaccination?

  9. Echo Chamber Healthcare

  10. Anxiety - Is there an answer other than meds?

  11. Covid-19 Fatigue

  12. Happy 125th Birthday Chiropractic - Our History

  13. Subscription Sickenss

  14. COVID-19 in the News - Hype or News?

  15. Health for those without hope with Dr. Julie Mayer Hunt

  16. COVID-19 Death rate Dropping - Why?

  17. Chiropractor to the Stars and guest on Dr Oz show Dr Michael Smatt

  18. Professional Athletes Performance - Dr. Lucas Matlock

  19. Wake Up Humans with Dr. Steve Judson

  20. Chiropractic for kids with Dr. Armand Rossi

  21. After Cornoavirus - What's the New Normal going to look like?

  22. Holes in Healthcare

  23. Coronavirus - tragedy, hype and misinformation

  24. Ask Why, Not What

  25. Health Rants Trailer Introduction