Highland Student Ministry
Episode 15
Season 1
Romans 11 - An Unsearchable God
It can be easy to read Romans 11 and gloss over it, either because you don’t understand what Paul is talking about or you don’t think it’s important enough for you to understand. The subject of God’s faithfulness to Israel and His ongoing love for her affects every believer in Jesus – Jewish or Gentile. The question of Romans 11: Is God faithful and trustworthy or not?
Either God is faithful to keep all His covenants, or He can’t be trusted to keep any of them. If God has ceased to love Israel and has broken His covenant with the people He chose for His own, how can we trust His love for those who believe in Jesus the Messiah? Why this matters to me today: If God changed His mind regarding Israel, how can we trust that He won’t change His mind regarding believers today?