Gross and slimy: How salmon shark barf can teach us about their foraging ecology
Gross and slimy: How salmon shark barf can teach us about their foraging ecologyGross and slimy: How salmon shark barf can teach us about their foraging ecology
More episodes
Gross and slimy: How salmon shark barf can teach us about their foraging ecology
Carbon Dioxide Capture
Diving into Underwater Robots
The fourth of the Five Goliaths: Mercury poisoning
Take a Deep Breath: Tracing the Carbon in our Air back to the Source
The details are in the DNA
How do you like them NAPLs?
For the union makes us strong
Straying from the stream: investigating the impacts of spring Chinook salmon hatchery fish on wild, origin fish
Is Climate Change Making Gray Whales Picky Eaters?
Fear.exe: How horror video games hijack more than just your computer
From hooves to helicopters: the study of foot-and-mouth disease virus in African buffalo
Sustainability and Decolonization of Doulas in the Healthcare Workforce
Molecular Nutrition in Infants
Translating Language and Transferring Knowledge
Wind Farms and Fisheries
Training the trainers who train the trainers of little humans
Sniffing for science
Hypoxic plankton
Humpbacks in Mexico
A surprise trip to the coldest continent on Earth!
The Fiction in Poverty
Artificial, Intelligent–Safe?
Sim Like a Fish
Exploding Cheeses and Microbes at Work
Writing for Discovery
My new neighbor might be a ghost (shrimp)
The Memoir of El
Taking Inspiration from Life: Short stories on why we believe what we believe
Forever Chemicals: How can we better detect PFAS?
The Lost Loggers: The Erasure and Exclusion of the Black Logging Community of Maxville, Oregon
Bees Get Degrees
Poopy predators: Assessing carnivore diet and population dynamics via non-invasive genetics
Fighting for your French Fries
Digging Deep: What on earth is there to learn from dirt?
ChatGPT and Me
Cheese and disease: how bacteria survive long term
The noxious nucleocapsid
The opposite of a pest: Bees, wasps and other beneficial bugs
Nobody wants to eat bitter cheese
Diving into the Unknown: Exploring the Role of Viruses in Coral Reef Health
"Grouper Groupie": Studying Climate Change and the Nassau Grouper
Finicky Fish: Investigating the impact of dams on the John Day White Sturgeon
Robotic agents and coordination
No Longer a Torrent of Salamanders
Cell Repair for Muscular Dystrophy
A Gut Feeling: Examining Whale Ecology Using Number-Two Genetics
What to do with all the whey?
Krypton-ice: what the noble gases tell us about the ancient climate
LGBTQ+ health disparities and the impact of stress
Lean, Mean, Bioinformatics Machine
Environment and male turtles
Smoky Beer (Halloween Episode)
Stressed out corals
What ice sheets can teach us about ancient ocean shorelines
Warming waters, waning nutrition: energy and the oceanic food web
Violence and Hyper Masculinity in Film
Environmental Justice: what it is, and what to do about it
From A(lgorithms) to Z(O-1 proteins): A Computer Scientist’s Journey into the Lab
Our Energy System in Transition: Pushing The Grid Towards Zero Emissions
The non-Ghostbusing Venkman: a virus that "eats" marine bacteria
Spaghetti and Networks: Oodles of Nodes
AI that benefits humans and humanity
Horror in Fiction
The rigamarole of RNA, ribosomes, and machine learning
Red, Red, (smoky) Wine
Special Episode: OSU alum raises $400k for trans advocacy groups
I, Roboethicist
Special Episode: 10 Years of Inspiration Dissemination
Microbial and Biochemical Community Dynamics
Imaging nuclear fallout with a camera and a scintillating crystal
Trusting Your Gut: Lessons in molecular neuroscience and mental health
How to Help Rusty Plants
Home Economics as a Science
Mighty (a)morphin’ Power Metals
Nuclear: the history, present, and future of the solution to the energy crisis
Water Woes of the West
COVID Conundrums
Mini-Molecules and Mighty Ideas
Two Ways of Killing Bacteria
Healthcare, but in paper form
Hearing is believing: characterizing ocean soundscapes and assessing noise impacts on whales
Fighting for Freedom in Oregon
The Promise and Peril of New Plants on Oregon's Sand Dunes
The Science Continues
Aimee Hisey Hidden Knowledge: Jewish medical practitioners, secret business partnerships, and seventeenth-century Latin America
Cedric Hagen Libraries of possibilities: Algorithimic identification of possible fossil chronologies
Megan Condisine Rethinking oyster reef restoration and coastal community resilience: The use of biomimicry and outreach to offset the growing risk of invasive species
Joaquin Rodriguez Special Series Covid-19: Finding Clarity and Calm During a Global Pandemic
Grad Inspire 2020
Winni Wang A Blade of Seagrass is a Powerful Thing
Claire Couch Finding a place in policy: where do the scientists fit in?
Linus Stoltz Working with Dungeness crab fishermen to get a ‘sense’ of low-oxygen conditions off the Oregon coast
Nick Bira Not all robots are hard and made of metal...
Alexandra Szarabajko Fitness for Life: Sport psychology and the motivations behind healthy lifestyles
Sofiya Yusova Swimming with Salmon(ids)
Winston Kennedy Work Your Body, Work Your Brain
Amine Gaizi Robots! A Story of Engineering and Biology
Nathan Justus Robots! A Story of Engineering and Biology
Meredith Jacobson Cultures of collaboration in forest management
Alan Harrington Putting years and years of established theory to the test
Bryan Lynn Finding the Tipping Point
Allison Swartz You don’t look your age: pruning young forests to mimic old-growth forest
Sam Harry Tsunami Surfing and the Giant Snot
Karla Jarecke Over sixty years digging and we’re still finding new ‘dirt’ on HJ Andrews
Sweta Ravisankar Monkeying around in the lab to find a good egg
Martin Pearce Giving Therapy-resistant Cancer Cells a Taste of their Own Medicine
Jenna Curtis What ties the Panama Canal, squeaky swing sets, and the Smithsonian together? Birds of course
Heather Forsythe Proteins run the show (except when they unfold and cause cataracts)
Grace Deitzler The bacteria living inside us and what they have to say about autism
Katherine Lasdin Are Microplastics the New Fish Food?
Betsy Emery Forest Ecosystems and Society
Shauna Otto Micro Structures and Macro Support
Vaclav Kuna If a Fault Moves at the Bottom of the Ocean, Can Anyone Hear It?
Hankyu Kim A Bird’s Eye View: Hindsight and Foresight from Long Term Bird Surveys
AJ Fillo This Time, It Actually is Rocket Science: Computational Tools for Modeling Combustion
Hoda Tahami Improving Hurricane Prediction Models Using GPS Data
Ward Shalash Repair, Don’t Replace: Developing a New Treatment for Lower Back Pain
Jackie Delie Environmental Planning in an Age of Human-animal Interactions
Delia S Shelton Zebrafish Sentinels: Studying the Effects of Cadmium on Biology and Behavior
Charles Camacho Magnet Blocks, Connect the Dots, and the World of Modern Mathematics
Jason Sarkozi-Forfinski Being the Multilingual, Racialized ’Other’ in an English Dominated Linguistic Landscape
Chelsea Behymer & Brian Erickson The Hidden Side of Graduate School: Finding Your Place Within Your Discipline
Pipiet Larasatie & Taylor Barnett Who Runs the World? Exploring Gender Diversity in the Forest Sector
GRADx 2019
Samuel Burns 3D Modeling Rock Shape: Archeological Research of the Earliest North Americans
Ashlee Mikkelsen Feather Collections and Stressed-out Owls
Dawn Barlow Saving the Blue Whales of the South Taranaki Bight
Tatiana Dolgushina Exploring Immigrant Identity Through Poetry
Jeana Moody Sticks and Stones May Break my Bones, and Words Might Unintentionally Enforce Gendered Behavior
Lisa Hildebrand Kayaks and Computers: The Gray Whale Research Essentials
Dan Breysse Treating the Cancer Treatment: An Investigation into a Chemotherapy Drug’s Toxic Product
Holly Horan Applying Medical Anthropology: A History of Stress in Puerto Rico and its Impacts on Birth Outcomes
Daniel Watkins Testing Arctic Climate Models: How Much Detail Can We Capture?
Katarina Lunde Finding Hope in Invaded Spaces
Francisco Guerrero Bolano Science Journalism at CNN en Español: A Conversation About The 2018 AAAS Mass Media Fellowship
Claire Revekant Core Strategies for Conservation of Greater Sage-Grouse
Claire Revekant Core Strategies for Conservation of Greater Sage-Grouse
Anna Lorenz Finding Cancer with Sound: The Development of Nanoparticles to Deliver Light-to-Sound Converting Agents
Chris Branam & Sean Nealon Special Episode: How to Publicize Your Research with the OSU Press Office
Samm Newton Exploring The Disconnect Between Humans and The Ocean
Lorelle Sherman The Sights and Sounds of Purple Martins
Seyyed Yahya Mousavi How to Not Come Unglued: A Wood Adhesive Story
Ross Overacker Infection Interruption: Identifying Compounds that Disrupt HIV
Yathartha Tuladhar Learning Without a Brain
Lzz Johnk Challenging assumptions about wellness and illness through the lens of Mad Studies
Hannah Rolston Can Soil Bacteria Clean Up Our Toxic Messes?
Katy Nalven The Evolving View of Plastic Pollution
Samantha Ross Mobility is Critical to Social and Cognitive Development in Children
Marcus Weinman How Do Bone Cancer Cells Become Resistant to Chemotherapy?
Akash Kannegulla Don’t Just Dream Big, Dream Bigger
Paige E Mandelare The Mold That Keeps On Giving
Erin Abernathy Aquatic Invertebrates: Why You Should Give a Dam.
Connor Yates How Many Robots Does It Take to Screw in a Lightbulb?
Sarah Kelly When Paths Cross: The Intersection of Art, Science and Humanities on the Discovery Trail
Sophie Wensman How Can Humans Help Oysters Adapt to Stresses from Ocean Acidification?
Susan Rowe Are Touch Tanks Touching Lives?
Julia Grace Klinges Small Differences Have Big Consequences to Keep the Oceans Happy
Terrah Owens It’s a Bird Eat Bird World
Nicole Hams Exploring a Protein’s Turf with TIRF
Evan Hilberg GROWing Healthy Kids and Communities
Ryan Lenz Secrets of the Black Cottonwood
Andy Hahn Tracing Goethe’s Influence on Botany and Plant Morphology
Bjorn Kristensen Clean Meat, Clean Conscience
Dylan Addison Safe Nuclear Power and Its Future in Our Energy Portfolio
Harrison Stierwalt Studying Skeletal Muscle Physiology to Better Understand Diseases Such as Type II Diabetes
Ben Lewis Breaking The (Arctic) Ice
Brent Warnake The Grape Depression: Powdery Mildew in Willamette Valley Vineyards
Behrooz Mahasseni To Code or Not to Code: The Way Forward for Machine Learning
Carolyn Gombert Characterizing Off-Channel Habitats in the Willamette River: Fish Need to Cool Off Too!
Tyler Schappe Unearthing the Unseen: Identifying Drivers of Fungal Diversity in Panamanian Rainforests
Josh Petit Attitudes Toward Methods of Restoring American Chestnut Trees
Rebecca Maher Project CHOMPIN: Parrotfish, Nutrients, and the Coral Microbiome
Juan Muglia Using Sediment Cores to Model Climate Conditions
Nicolette Canzoneri Seeing Live Animal Exhibits Can Be a Powerful Experience, But Do They Change Our Behaviors?
Emily McLemore Willed Women: Studying Medieval Literature at OSU
Zoe Alley Do You Trust Others, As Much As They Trust You?
Dustin Gannon Heliconia: Plants with Personality
Andrew Popchock Motor Proteins–and People–Can Change Directionality
Richard Deyhler Bone Marrow Transplants Save Lives, But Can it Keep Our Bones Strong?
Patrick Bennett Keeping Oregon Forests Green: What Swiss Needle Cast Disease is Teaching Us About Forestry
Kelsey Kean Elucidating Protein Structure with Crystals
Antonio Gomez Beetle-Seq: Inferring the Phylogeny of Clivinini
Sarah Alto Curiously Following Zebrafish
Lauri Lutes Searching for Viruses that Make Plants Sick
Victoria Drexel History Repeated...but More Interesting
Vesna Stone No Strings Attached
Madison Rodman A Very Hungry Caterpillar, a Very Tenacious Scientist
Zolton Bair Magical Mushrooms, Mischievous Molds
Joe Donovan An Examination of Pop Culture Icons
Katherine Dziedzic Corals Need Someone in Their Corner
Vance Almquist Dirt: It’s under all of us!
Thomas Stokely Horse Farms to Tree Farms: Studying the Relationship Between Land Management and Biodiversity
Felipe Campos-Cerda Birds to Bacteria and Kickstarting Research Boundaries
Aimee Massey Mosquito Soup in The Brazilian Rainforest
Matt Slattery A Big Punch at the Smallest Scale
Masoud Ghodrat Abadi Safety is No Accident
Jenessa Duncombe Heat and Oxygen Exchanges Between the Ocean and Atmosphere
Paul Snyder Is There Hope for Amphibians Facing Widespread Diseases?
Andres Lazaro Lopez Religion and Spirituality in the Workplace