Life of David Trailer Bonus Episode 1 Season 1

The Remarkable Line of David

The Remarkable Line of DavidThe Remarkable Line of David


More episodes

  1. The Remarkable Line of David

  2. What God Was Seeking in a King

  3. Why Political Change is Often So Slow

  4. The Lord was with David. What happened to Saul?

  5. Tall Guy meets Giant

  6. The Protestant Work Ethic

  7. The Visionary Faith of David

  8. Courageous Faith

  9. A War of Words

  10. The Violent Take It By Force

  11. The Aftermath of Spiritual Success

  12. Irrational Paranoia, Jealousy, Anger, and Hatred

  13. Upside Right Living in an Upside Down World

  14. A True Friend

  15. Seeing God's Hand When God Seems Absent

  16. The Irrationality of Sin

  17. When Words and Misunderstandings Hurt

  18. Covenant Faithfulness in an Unfaithful Age

  19. An Unwilling Rebel

  20. God's Provision in Times of Emergency

  21. Seeking Asylum

  22. When No One Cares

  23. Watch Out When State Security Trumps God-Given Rights

  24. More Signs of Trouble

  25. Leaving Regrets Behind

  26. Self-Control Under Tyranny: The Reformed Doctrine of Resistance

  27. The Practice of Resistance

  28. Encouragement

  29. Betrayed By Friends, Saved By Enemies

  30. God's Remedy for Despondency

  31. Bad Conscience, Good Conscience

  32. Pursuing the Living God, or Pursuing Dead Dogs

  33. Sorry is Not Enough

  34. Worshiping When There is No Worship Left in You

  35. Going the Extra Mile

  36. The Anatomy of Anger

  37. Intervention When Things Get Sticky

  38. Model Peacemaker

  39. Graciously Responding to Rebuke

  40. Families Need Grace

  41. "Useful Idiots" and Those Who Use Them

  42. Self-Controlled Leadership

  43. Rebuking a Fool

  44. Mess or Message? Trial or Triumph?

  45. When Things Are Not As They Appear

  46. A Walk on the Dark Side

  47. God's Last Gracious Words to Saul

  48. Opportunities and Providential Care

  49. Facing A Crisis Without Becoming A Crisis

  50. Endurance

  51. Christ-Likeness

  52. How to Handle Stuff

  53. Gaining Perspective in a Culture of Death

  54. When False Religion Triumphs

  55. Humanistic Ambition vs. Godly Ambition

  56. Remembering the Fallen

  57. Loyalty

  58. Understanding Conflict - Pursuing Peace

  59. Power Politics and the People Who Suffer

  60. Why Conspiracies Don't Last

  61. Uncivil Talk About Uncivil Civics

  62. Why Revolutions Are Usually Evil

  63. Election of a King

  64. Zion

  65. A Dozen Helpful Adjectives for Spiritual Warriors

  66. Reforming Worship

  67. The Davidic Covenant

  68. How to Say Amen! When God Brings Disappointments

  69. O Come Let Us Adore Him

  70. Images of Christ's Kingdom

  71. Mephibosheth

  72. David and Missing Sexual Hedges

  73. Bathsheba and Missing Sexual Hedges

  74. Covering Sin

  75. Grace vs Legalism and Antinomianism

  76. When God Calls You To Be A Nathan

  77. Why Do the Innocent Have To Suffer?

  78. Unanswered Prayers

  79. Needless Losses

  80. From Ugly Stains to Beautiful Painting

  81. More On War

  82. Bitter is Not Better

  83. Twelve Preludes to National Ruin

  84. The Absalom Spirit, Part 1

  85. The Absalom Spirit, Part 2

  86. Loyalty Tested, Part 1

  87. Loyalty Tested, Part 2

  88. Loyalty Tested, Part 3

  89. Why Kick A Man When He is Down?

  90. Escaping Escapism

  91. Revolution, Revolutionaries, and Counter-Revolutionaries

  92. The Best Laid Plans...

  93. Suicide

  94. Disappointments and Blessings

  95. Prayer for a Nation in Trouble

  96. When Everyone Seems to be Against You

  97. Duty

  98. Head Trip

  99. Enthusiasm Dashed

  100. When Weeping is Ungodly

  101. Messy Reconciliations

  102. When Repentance Is Hard; When Forgiveness Is Hard

  103. Reconciliation When You Have Been Falsely Accused

  104. Portrait of Old Age

  105. Reconciliation Obstructed

  106. Learning How To Enjoy God

  107. Godly Resistance vs. Civil Rebellion

  108. Disastrous Consequences of Rebellion

  109. Another Peacemaker

  110. Limited Civil Government

  111. Broken Treaties

  112. Burial

  113. Heroes and Giants

  114. The Gospel According to Jesus

  115. David's Advice for Election Day

  116. Characteristics of Leaders Worth Following

  117. National Census: Good or Evil?

  118. Providential Judgments

  119. Politics Transformed by the Gospel

  120. Building a Family Legacy

  121. Compromise in Medical Ethics

  122. Camouflaged Sin

  123. God as Conspiracy Buster

  124. The Aftermath of the Conspiracy

  125. Administration and Other Issues

  126. The Military and the Trajectory of History

  127. From Tent to Temple

  128. Stewardship: From French Fries to Everything

  129. Ending Well