Parashah Explorations Trailer Bonus Episode 118 Season 1

Yisro: Well Qualified (2024-01-28)

Yisro: Well Qualified (2024-01-28)Yisro: Well Qualified (2024-01-28)


More episodes

  1. Yisro: Well Qualified (2024-01-28)

  2. Beshalah: A Date Which Will Live In Infamy (2024-01-25)

  3. Bo: Spiritual Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (2024-01-14)

  4. Vaeira: Magic and Medicine (2024-01-11)

  5. Shemos: The Nuremberg Defense (2023-12-31)

  6. Vayehi: His Earth Atones For His People (2023-12-28)

  7. Vayigash: A Sheep In Swine's Clothing (Revisited) (2023-12-21)

  8. Mikeitz: Feeling Others' Pain (2023-12-14)

  9. Vayeishev: Risking One's Life For the Ones Who Gave One Life (2023-12-07)

  10. Vayishlah: Diplomacy: From Esau-Edom To Evil Empires (2023-11-30)

  11. Vayeitzei: Beauty In the Bible (Revisited) (2023-11-19)

  12. Toldos: But He Was Good To His Father (2023-11-16)

  13. Hayei Sarah: Rebecca's Nose Ring (2023-11-09)

  14. Vayeira: The Lesser Evil Principle (Revisited) (2023-11-02)

  15. Lech-Lecha: Abraham's Nighttime Raid (Revisited) (2023-10-26)

  16. Bereishis: Swords Don't Kill People; People Kill People (2023-10-19)

  17. Ha'azinu: Collateral Damage (2023-09-10)

  18. Nitzavim: Omnes Pro Uno (2023-09-07)

  19. Ki-Savo: Wickedness, Wiliness, and Wandering Out of the Way (2023-08-27)

  20. Ki-Seitzei: The Hire Of A Whore (2023-08-24)

  21. Devarim: The Iron Cradle (2023-07-20)

  22. Masei: Blind Justice (2023-07-13)

  23. Pinchas: Women and Wisdom (2023-07-02)

  24. Hukas: The Worst Form of Government (2023-06-29)

  25. Korah: Unjust Enrichment (2023-06-22)

  26. Shelah: Overdetermining the Decree of Death in the Desert (2023-06-15)

  27. Beha'aloscha: The Ethiopian (2023-06-08)

  28. Naso: The Peacemaker, Part 2 (2023-06-01)

  29. Naso: The Peacemaker, Part I (2023-05-21)

  30. Bemidbar: Proven Pedigrees and Presumptive Pedigrees (2023-05-18)

  31. Behar: Fair Dealing, Fraud, and Free Markets (Revisited) (2023-05-11)

  32. Emor: No Neutering (2023-05-04)

  33. Aharei Mos / Kedoshim: Doing As the Romans Do (Revisited) (2023-04-27)

  34. Tazria: Korbanos and Kiddushim (Revisited) (2023-04-20)

  35. Tzav: Pots, Porcelain, Plastic, and Passover (2023-03-26)

  36. Vayikra: The Duty of Testimony (Revisited) (2023-03-23)

  37. Vayakhel: Too Much Of A Good Thing (2023-03-16)

  38. Ki Sisa: Brother against Brother (2023-03-09)

  39. Tetzaveh: Cutting Edge Technologies (2023-03-02)

  40. Terumah: Of Weight and Wagons (2023-02-23)

  41. Mishpatim: Disadvantageous Encounters (2023-02-16)

  42. Yisro: The Root Of All Evil (2023-02-09)

  43. Beshalah: Comeliness and the Commandments (Revisited) (2023-02-02)

  44. Bo: A Night To Be Much Observed (2023-01-26)

  45. Vaeira: Pursuing Peshat and Minimizing Miracles (2023-01-19)

  46. Shemos: Tzipporah's Tzor and the Tz'enah Ur'enah (2023-01-12)

  47. Vayehi: Aharis and Eschaton

  48. Vayigash: Talmidei Hachamim and Taxation (Revisited) (2022-12-29)

  49. Mikeitz: Felons In High Places (2022-12-22)

  50. Vayeishev: Potiphar, Presumptions, and Forensics (2022-12-15)

  51. Vayishlah: Rage and Vengeance, Honor and Deterrence (2022-12-08)

  52. Vayeitzei: Of Shepherds and Shomrim (Revisited) (2022-12-01)

  53. Toldos: Beautiful and Barren (2022-11-24)

  54. Hayei Sarah: A Match Made In Heaven! (2022-11-17)

  55. Vayeira: And For A Sacrifice I Shall Offer Unto Him My Soul (2022-11-06)

  56. Lech-Lecha: Of Canaanites and Critics (2022-11-03)

  57. Noah: The Ethiopian's Skin and the Peculiar Institution (2022-10-27)

  58. Ha'azinu: Hagshamah: The History Of A Heresy (2022-10-02)

  59. Vayeilech: Come One, Come All! (2022-09-29)

  60. Nitzavim: "What Constitutes Repentance?" (2022-09-22)

  61. Ki-Savo: "There Is No Difference Whatsoever Between Us and You" (2022-09-15)

  62. Ki-Seitzei: For the Dear G-d Who Loveth Us, He Made and Loveth All (2022-09-08)

  63. Shoftim: The Divine Right Of Kings? (2022-09-01)

  64. Devarim: The Duty of Dauntlessness (2020-07-24)

  65. Masei: Pour Encourager les Autres (2019-07-28)

  66. Matos: Avoiding Oaths (Revisited) (2022-07-28)

  67. Pinhas: Nepotism - Normative Or Nefarious? (2022-07-21)

  68. Balak: Preemptive Self-defense (2022-07-10)

  69. Hukas: The Mysteries of Mitzvos (Revisited) (2022-07-03)

  70. Korah: Disputatiousness and Its Discontents (2022-06-30)

  71. Shelah: Ribbands and Reminders (2022-06-23)

  72. Beha'aloscha: Vehement, Caustic, and Sometimes Unpleasantly Sharp Attacks On Government and Public Officials (2022-06-12)

  73. Naso: The Custom Of the Cohanim - A Riddle Wrapped In A Mystery Inside An Enigma (2022-06-09)

  74. Bemidbar: The Luck Of the Draw (2022-06-02)

  75. Behukosai: A Glaring Omission (2022-05-26)

  76. Behar: Jerusalem Is For Sale (2022-05-15)

  77. Emor: Is Hadash Biblically Prohibited? (Revisited) (2022-05-12)

  78. Kedoshim: Revenge Is A Dish Best Served Hot (2022-05-05)

  79. Pesah: The Vegetarian Lion and the Messianic Smell Test (2022-04-10)

  80. Vayeitzei: Daughters, Dowries, and Disinheritance (2019-12-01)

  81. Lech-Lecha: The Sinful Selfishness Of Our Sister Sodom (Revisited) (2021-10-10)

  82. Noah: Nimrod and Nineveh (2021-10-03)

  83. Bereishis: Divine Regret, Remorse, and Reconsideration (2021-09-14)

  84. Vezos Haberachah: Not Only the Tribe Of Levi (2021-09-19)

  85. Vayeilech: Hakhel, and Children In the Synagogue (2021-06-17)

  86. Nitzavim: Minding Other People's Business (Revisited) (2021-08-29)

  87. Ki-Savo: Strangers In A Land That Is Not Theirs (2021-08-22)

  88. Shoftim: Witnesses, Epistemological and Ontological (2021-08-08)

  89. Re'eh: Kashrus and Beyond (2021-08-01)

  90. Eikev: Parental Punishment (2021-07-29)

  91. Va'eshanan: Honoring Parents and Honoring G-d: Concord and Conflict (2021-07-22)

  92. Devarim: Process, Partiality, and Ex Parte (2021-07-15)

  93. Va'eira: Magic, Magical and Otherwise (2016-01-03)

  94. Masei: From the Five Filles Feministes To the Fifteenth Of the Fifth (2021-07-08)

  95. Phinehas: Of Splintered Canes and Harlequin Platforms (2021-07-01)

  96. Balak: To See Or Not To See (Or: Good Neighbors Make Good Fences) (2021-06-24)

  97. Hukas: A Riddle, Wrapped In A Mystery, Inside An Enigma (2021-06-17)

  98. Korah: Through A Glass Darkly (2021-06-10)

  99. Shelah: Relying Upon Miracles (2021-05-30)

  100. Beha'aloscha: The Bible According To Bechor Shor (2021-05-27)

  101. Naso: Holiness and Hashish (2021-05-20)

  102. Bemidbar: Collecting Big Data, Legally and Safely (2021-05-13)

  103. Behar: The Time Value Of Money (2021-05-06)

  104. Emor: Counting, Karaites, and Controversy (2021-04-29)

  105. Kedoshim: The Golden Rule (2021-04-22)

  106. Tazria: Designer Babies (2021-04-11)

  107. Tzav: Of Loaves and Leaven (2021-03-21)

  108. Vayikra: Courts, Crimes, and Cover-Ups (2021-03-14)

  109. Vayakhel: To Set Up the House Of Our G-d (2021-03-11)

  110. Shelah: Despising the Pleasant Land (2019-06-23)

  111. Ki Sisa: Israel's Better Half (2021-03-04)

  112. Tetzaveh: The Sacred Mysteries Of Science (2021-02-21)

  113. Terumah: The Edifice Edict (2021-02-14)

  114. Mishpatim: The Best Things In Life Are - Or Should Be - Free

  115. Yisro: Gods of Silver, Gods of Gold - and Snowmen

  116. Beshalah: Odes and Shadenfreude

  117. Bo: Avena Sativa and Armoracia Rusticana

  118. Shemos-Va'eira: The Three Day Getaway