PULSE Trailer Bonus Episode 21 Season 1

Bringing Joy Back to Medicine, with Guest: Dr Karen DeSalvo

Bringing Joy Back to Medicine, with Guest: Dr Karen DeSalvoBringing Joy Back to Medicine, with Guest: Dr Karen DeSalvo


More episodes

  1. Bringing Joy Back to Medicine, with Guest: Dr Karen DeSalvo

  2. When a Nobel Prize is only one of your achievements. Guest: Dr Karen DeSalvo

  3. Apple Cider Vinegar & Misinformation, Guest: Tina Purnat

  4. The commoditisation of AI is upon us! & Part 2 of our chat on global health with guest Dr Alain Labrique, WHO

  5. Spiders, viruses & proteins get the AI treatment and Global Digital Health with guest Dr Alain Labrique, WHO

  6. Pulse+IT’s Year in Review Issue. 2024, Part 2

  7. Pulse+IT’s Year in Review Issue. 2024, Part 1

  8. Role of AI in health insurance: a battle of good vs evil? Guest: Mark Brommeyer

  9. The Ouroboros Effect: How AI Threatens Human Intellect. Guest: Prof Blackford Middleton

  10. Information Foraging: Crowdsourcing 4AI & Cancer-Killing Tech. Guests: Dr Robin Mann & Dr Honor Magon

  11. What happens in digital health stays in digital health

  12. “AI is what it eats” Rachel Dunscombe says you can quote her!

  13. #PatientsUseAI – Do you?

  14. Apple & Google, are you listening? (spoiler alert… yes, they are!)

  15. Drugs, sex and aged care – AI is everywhere

  16. Daniel McCabe Part 2: Consumers want access to their health information and Daniel McCabe wants to make it happen

  17. Consumers want access to their health information and Daniel McCabe wants to make it happen

  18. What happens when patients get test results before doctors?

  19. Modernising our digital health infrastructure

  20. How many strategies does a digital health plan make?

  21. What’s Ozempic got to do with digital health?

  22. Louise and George explain what happens on Pulse