Ep 279: What March Madness can teach us about leadership
Ep 279: What March Madness can teach us about leadershipEp 279: What March Madness can teach us about leadership
More episodes
Ep 279: What March Madness can teach us about leadership
Ep 278: ANNOUNCEMENT: Kairos Partnerships is HIRING!
Ep 277: Thinking in 6-week Spurts
Ep 276: The Power of the Rubber Chicken
Ep 275: 2 Practical Ways to Improve Your Questions
Ep 274: Preparation: A Leader’s Superpower
Ep 273: Tools for Tough Conversations
Ep 272: Understanding Your Leadership Intensity Cycle
Ep 271: Overcoming Challenges When You Feel Resistance
Ep 270: The 4 Leadership Postures
TRLP Ep 269: Lead Small
Ep 268: 3 Ways You Can Grow in the New Year
Ep 267: Reflecting On Your Inner Compass
Ep 266: The 7 Frequencies of Communication
Ep 265: Wearing 6 Hats: A Decision-making Framework
Ep 264: Getting Soul-Naked about Leadership
Ep 263: Overcoming Decision Fatigue
Ep 262: Being a Well-Supported Leader
Ep 261: Randomize Your Life
Ep 260: Pushing Yourself With Just 5 More
Ep 259: Best Practices for Serving on Boards
Ep 258: Learn to Listen to Your Gut
Ep 257: Resilience Requires Trust
Ep 256: Why It’s Time To Stop Picking People’s Brains
Ep 255: 6 Ways Leaders Can Grow in Perspective – and in Wisdom
Ep 254: From the Vault: Why Leaders Need to Know Their Sacred Pathway
Ep 253: Observations about the Habits of Leaders
Ep 252: The 6 Skills of Wisdom
Ep 251: From the Vault: The Importance of Thinking Backwards
Ep 250: SPECIAL EPISODE: Sharing some EXCITING news
Ep 249: Why Meetings Are Where the Most Important Work is Done
Ep 248: FROM THE VAULT: 2 Different Kinds of Time
Ep 247: Evaluating Our Leadership Health
Ep 246: 2 Significant Questions That Can Shape How You Approach New Opportunities
Ep 245: Knowing Your Leadership Strengths in Each Decade of Life
Ep 244: Great Leaders Befriend Elephants
Ep 243: Leading Others Who Are Older Than You
Ep 241: Blue Turf Moments
Ep 240: 3 Areas of a Leader’s Time
Ep 239: Prayers Briefly Spoken
Ep 238: 3 Word Wisdom
Ep 237: Why Managing Your Energy is Better Than Managing Your Time
Ep 236: Context Determines Structure
Ep 235: From Thinking Like a Mother to Thinking Like a Midwife
Ep 234: Humble Confidence, Confident Humility
Ep 233: The Most Influential Band You’ve Never Heard Of
Ep 232: How to Harness the Voice in Your Head
Ep 231: Shoutouts: the Who, the What, and the How
Ep 230: The Danger of Cynicism
Ep 229: Developing Your Own Personal Board of Directors
Ep 228 - REBOOT: What We Can Learn from the Savannah Bananas
Ep 227: Why You Need to Get Out of Your ZIP Code Regularly
Ep 226 – REBOOT: Questionable Influence
Ep 225: Timing is (Almost) Everything
Ep 224: Thinking Backward
Ep 223: The Hardest Person You Will Ever Lead
Ep 222: “Wait, what?” and Other Questions to Guide Your Life
Ep 221: Tackling the Odd-Numbered Questions
Ep 220: The Gift of Banter
Ep 219: Don’t Try to Boil the Ocean This Week
Ep 218: The Right Kind of Wrong
Ep 217: Real Talk – What We Hear When We Fail
Ep 216: Too Many Books, Not Enough Time: Deciding What to Read
Ep 215: The Choice Between Escape and Delight
Ep 214: How Leaders Respond AFTER the Big Moment
Ep 213: The Necessity of Unlearning and New Learning
Ep 212: How to Communicate Vision Effectively
Ep 211: Pay Attention to Your Understory
Ep 210: Why Don’t More Leaders Express Appreciation?
Ep 209: The Fallacy of Putting the Big Rocks in Your Bucket First
Ep 208: How To Avoid Being a Conversational Narcissist
Ep 207: Pre-Mortem
Ep 206: When You Stop Learning You Stop Leading (Lessons from Teddy Roosevelt)
Ep 205: Why Leaders Can’t Live Without Frequent Feedback
Ep 204: Refusing to Be the Smartest Person in the Room
Ep 203: The 8 Questions Leaders Must Ask About Their Social Media Use
Ep 202: What season are you in?
Ep 201: Why Leaders Need to Make Bold Proposals
Ep 200: What Is Coaching and How Could It Benefit My Leadership?
Ep 199 – REBOOT: Navigating the 4 Domains of Leadership Strength
Ep 198: Thank you, Leader
Ep 197: Confidence is Gentle
Ep 196: God Drives a Red Jeep Cherokee
Ep 195: Defining Your Competition (It’s Different Than You Think)
Ep 194: Never Underestimate the Power of Micro Habits
Ep 193: The Superpowers of Following Up and Following Through
Ep 192: Discerning The Primary Question of your Life
Ep 191: Regulating Your Mood Elevator
Ep 190: 3 Types of Fears Every Leader Faces
Ep 189: Increasing The Level of Your 6 S’s
Ep 188: How to Lead Well Through Liminal Spaces
EXCITING ANNOUNCEMENT: Inviting you to join us for a trip to Israel!
Ep 187 – REBOOT: The Power of Being Fully Engaged
Ep 186: Why Didn’t Anyone Teach Us How to Apologize Appropriately?
Ep 185: Overcoming Challenges When You Feel The Resistance
Ep 184: Communicating For a Change
Ep 183: How to Lead Effective Meetings
Ep 182: What March Madness Can Teach Us About Leadership
Ep 181: Why Leaders Need Time to Play
Ep 180: Would your leadership pass the Bread Truck Test?
Ep 179: Taking Time to Reflect (The Leader’s Inner Compass)
Ep 178: One of the Best Investments You Can Make In Your Leadership
Ep 177: Moving From Strength to Strength
Ep 176: The Importance of Thinking Backwards
Ep 175:The Most Important Leadership Trait Nobody Talks About
Ep 174: How to Generate New Ideas
Ep 173: Bearers of the Towel
Ep 172 – Soundtracks: My Life is Dope
Ep 171 – Soundtracks: Managing the Voices In Your Head
Ep 170: Don’t Try to Boil the Ocean This Week
Ep 169: Looking Back, Looking Forward
Ep 168: Why Waiting Is Crucial to Healthy Leadership
Ep 167: The Only Chance You Have To Experience Happiness
Ep 166: Mapping Out Your Leadership Intensity Cycle
Ep 165: You’re Not Listening!
Ep 164: The Need to be Brief
Ep 163: Cultivating Practices of Gratitude
Ep 162: Leading the Next Generation
Ep 161: REBOOT – The Different Questions We Ask in Different Decades of Life
Ep 160: The 3 Core Characteristics of Resilient Leaders
Ep 159: Creating Resilient Teams
Ep 158: The Significant Difference Between Delegating and Empowering
Ep 157: What might the world be like 50 years from now?
Ep 156: What Leaders Can Learn From Trees REBOOT
Ep 155: The Power of Personal Mantras
Ep 154: Lindisfarne: What To Do When the Tides Are Rising
Ep 153: The Countless Leadership Lessons of Sailing
Ep 152: Learning to Take a Real Rest
Ep 151: Managing Anxiety
Ep 150: The Power of Being Fully Engaged
Ep 149: Why Your Environment Matters So Much
Ep 148: Why Developing Personal Declarative Statements Keeps You Anchored
Ep 147: Paying Attention to our Tears
Ep 146: Questions: Valuable Tools for Decision-making
Ep 145: What do you do when you’re BLASTED? (REBOOT)
Ep 144: Stewarding the Right Kind of Time
Ep 143: Learning to Drop Your Familiar Tools
Ep 142: The Significant Difference Between Impact and Influence
Ep 141: Why Focus Is More Important Than Ever
Ep 140: 4 Leadership Lessons I Learned as a Whitewater Rafting Guide
Ep 139: RE-AIR: Why Taking Walks Increases Your Resilience
Ep 138: The Spiritual Discipline of Randomization Rituals
Ep 137: Why You Must Cultivate Healthy Habits As a Leader (Part 2)
Ep 136: Why You Must Cultivate Healthy Habits As a Leader (Part 1)
Ep 135: Developing Your Philosophy of Leader Development
Ep 134: The Tomb is Empty, the Pressure is Off
Ep 133: Staring at the Black Lines of the Butt in Front Of You
Ep 132: The World Needs More Well Rested Leaders
Ep 131: Leadership Credibility Killers
Ep 130: The Bread Truck Test [REBOOT]
Ep 129: Marking 2 Years of Complexity and Uncertainty
Ep 128: Multiplying Yourself
Ep 127: Why Reading Should Be a Part of Your Job Description
Ep 126: Just 5 More
Ep 125: Incisive Questions from the late Irish Poet John O’Donahue
Ep 124: What Ski School Teaches Us About Being a Healthy Leader
Ep 123: What I Learned By Becoming An NFL Owner
Ep 122: REBOOT - Resilient Leadership and the F Word
Ep 121: The Arc of Life: The focus of each season of life and leadership
Ep 120: What season are you in?
Ep 119: You Don’t Have to Boil the Ocean By Tomorrow
Ep 118: Why Attributes Are More Important Than Skills
Ep 117: How do we accurately measure success in leadership?
Ep 116: Humanizing Leadership
Ep 115: The 2 Questions to Ask Those You Lead
Ep 114: Leaders and Adrenaline Addiction
Ep 113: [From the vault]: Why Taking Walks Increases Your Resiliency as a Leader
Ep 112: Win the Morning, Win the Day
Ep 111: How to Decide What To Read
Ep 110: Futurecasting: Can we actually create the future?
Ep 109: Why The Big Rocks in the Bucket First Metaphor Doesn’t Work
Ep 108: Evaluating Your Leadership Health
Ep 107: [From the archives]: The 5 Vital Questions Every Leader Should Ask
Ep 106: Growing in your courage by just 5%
Ep 105: Cultivating Resilience in Your Living Room
SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT for Resilient Leaders listeners
Ep 104: 4 Spiritual Practices of Resilience
Ep 103: Reflection Questions for the Leadership Journey
Ep 102: 6 Major Themes I’ve Noticed in Leaders I Serve
Ep 101: Keeping Calm When Everyone Else is Losing Their Mind
Ep 100: Stop Picking People’s Brains. (There’s a Better Way To Do It).
Ep 99: Maximize Your Strengths in Each Decade of Life
Ep 98: Why Creating Culture is So Crucial to Leadership
Ep 97: Why Leaders Need to Know Their Sacred Pathway
Ep 96: Why Leaders Need to Create a 6T6W list (and how to do it)
Ep 95: J.R.’s bookshelf - 9 book recommendations
Ep 94: Can we be resilient if we feel burned out?
Ep 93: FROM THE VAULT - Why You Must Learn to be a Questionable Leader
Ep 92: Are we really returning to “normal”?
Ep 91: Good News for Weary Leaders
Ep 90: What One-Ton Beasts Can Teach Us About Resilience
Ep 89: Orientation. Disorientation. Reorientation.
Ep 88: What Leaders Can Learn From Sand
Ep 87: FROM THE VAULT - How to Run Effective Meetings
Ep 86: Who is your competition (really)?
Ep 85: A Time To Heal
Ep 84: Why the Best Leaders are Clear, Compelling, and Succinct
Ep 83: How do leaders replenish when we feel depleted? (From the Vault)
Ep 82: Being Clear When Things are Uncertain
Ep 81: The 2 Greatest Myths About Creativity (and how to avoid them)
Ep 80: The Importance of Your Flow Awareness
Ep 79: Leading with a Pen
Ep 78: The Secret Sauce of Joy (and Why Leaders Need To Embody It)
Ep 77: Why Engaging in Practices of Gratitude Makes Us More Resilient
Ep 76: Every element of life: surrender or stewardship
Ep 75: You Don’t Rise to the Occasion. You Default to Your Training
Ep 74: Why Practice Does Not Make Perfect
Ep 73: The 4 Ridiculously Practical and Easy Next Steps to Growing in Reslilent Leadership
Ep 72: The Surprising Findings in the Research about Resilience
Ep 71: The Two Action Steps That Are So Simple Nobody Hardly Does Them
Ep 70: What Leaders Can Learn From Trees
Ep 69: The Sacred Overlap of Leadership
Ep 68: The Pressure’s Off: You Don’t Have to Boil the Ocean by Monday
Ep 67: A Look Back: Reflecting on the Major Themes of Resilient Leadership
Ep 66: Action-Reflection-Action: The Rhythm and Posture of Resilient Leaders
Ep 65: Why Optimists Die in the Midst of Adversity
Ep 64: Why You Must Befriend the Elephants
Ep 63: Siloed Leadership is Now Officially Dead
Ep 62: The 8 Reading Habits of Resilient Leaders
Ep 61: The 3 Non-Negotiables of a Resilient Culture
Ep 60: SPECIAL EDITION: Questions Worthy of Reflection
Ep 59: The Most Underappreciated Value of Leadership
Ep 58: The Greatest Enemy of a Leader Today (and what to do about it)
Ep 57: How We Misunderstand Servant Leadership
Ep 56: The mental trellis leaders need to create a healthy organization
Ep 55: SPECIAL EDITION - An interview with a seasoned resilient leader
Ep 54: Celebrating Our Favorite Mistakes
Ep 53: Leading with Convicted Civility
Ep 52: The 5 Neighborhoods We All Live In
Ep 51: 5 Norms of Healthy Teams
Ep 50: Don’t Lose Heart
Ep 49: The Different Questions We Ask in Different Decades of Life
Ep 48: Resiliency and the Importance of Navigating Crucial Conversations Well
Ep 47: Why we need stress in order to be resilient (and why you’d die if you had a stress-free life)
Ep 46: The four books to help you grow in resilience
Ep 45: Preparation is more important than planning
Ep 44: Navigating the 4 domains of leadership strength
Ep 43: The 6 Horizons of Resilient Leaders
Ep 42: The 5 Vital Questions Every Leader Should Ask about Their Organization
Ep 41: Continuing to Expand Your Opportunity Surface Area
Ep 40: How Do We Lead Through a Crisis?
Ep 39: Expanding Your Opportunity Surface Area
Ep 38: A special message for exhausted and discouraged leaders
Ep 37: Why We Must Live in the Midst of Healthy Tension
Ep 36: Why You Must Learn to be A Questionable Leader
Ep 35: Leveraging the Power of WHEN
Ep 34: One of the most significant investments you can make in your leadership
Ep 33: What’s on your to-don’t list?
Ep 32: How do leaders replenish when we feel depleted?
Ep 31: The 6 Thinking Hats: To Lead Resiliently You Must Think Resiliently
Ep 30: Thinking Less Like Mothers and More Like a Midwives
Ep 29: Would your leadership pass the Bread Truck Test?
Ep 28: Feeling Stuck? Keep An Idea Journal
Ep 27: Why Taking Walks Increases Your Resiliency as a Leader
Ep 26: The Four Postures of Leadership in the New Reality
Ep 25: What do you do as a leader when you are BLASTED?
Ep 24: Resilient Leadership and the F Word
Ep 23: The Inner Compass of a Resilent Leader
Ep 22: How to Raise Up Leaders
Ep 21: The 5 Norms of Healthy Teams
Ep 20: The Three Primary Areas of a Leader's Time
Ep 19: The Six Differentiating Factors of Great Leaders
Ep 18: Leading Through the Exhaustion
Ep 17: VUCA Prime Leadership in a VUCA World
Ep 16: Surf School: 10 practical ways to learn to ride the waves of the new reality
Ep 15 - How to Run an Effective Meeting
Ep 14 - Mindset: do you want to be flawless or do you want to be learning?
Ep 13 - The 3 irrefutable elements of a leader
Ep 12 - How Does Thinking the Opposite Way Help You Be More Resilient?
Ep 11 - How do we pace ourselves when we don't know how long the race will be?
Ep 10 - Caring for ourselves in these uncertain times
Ep 9: Resiliency vs. efficiency
Ep 8: How resilient leaders manage email
Ep 7: How do we lead when we don’t know what to do?
Ep 6: Feedback: The Breakfast of Champions
Ep 5: How does our faith impact how we think about resilience?
Ep 4: The importance of unlearning
Ep 3: How are leaders to manage the tension?
Ep 2: It’s not a new normal; it’s a new reality
Ep 1: Why is resiliency needed in leadership?