What Dental Calculus Can Tell Us About Past Lived Experiences
What Dental Calculus Can Tell Us About Past Lived ExperiencesWhat Dental Calculus Can Tell Us About Past Lived Experiences
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What Dental Calculus Can Tell Us About Past Lived Experiences
Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) Part 2
Summer Research Opportunities Program (SROP) Part 1
COGS Graduate Academic Conference (GAC): Part 4
COGS Graduate Academic Conference (GAC): Part 3
COGS Graduate Academic Conference (GAC): Part 2
COGS Graduate Academic Conference (GAC): Part 1
Veona Cutinho about Revolutionizing Cloning: The Power of a Single Protein in Unlocking Nuclear Transfer Efficiency
Yunting Gu about Articulatory Preference: Explaining Universal Sound Patterns
Kiyotaka Suga on The Roles of Speaking and Writing Practice in Second Language Grammar Learning
Bryan Stanley on Understanding and Supporting Informal Physics Programs and their Student Volunteers
Natasha George about a "Cool" Approach to Unraveling Antibiotic Resistance
Logan Soule on Blood Storage: Even Red Blood Cells Get a Sugar Crash
Nupur Huria and Harsna Chahal about Factors Impacting Perceptions and Stigma Surrounding Menstruation: Michigan State University Perspective
Alyssa Saunders about A Tale of Tailless Sperm: Investigating the Unique Gametes of African Electric Fish
Ben Kline in Out of the frying pan into the fire: How will Coldwater Fish Survive on a Hot Planet?
Megan McGrath about Gaining the System: What the Thalamus can Teach us about Consciousness
Goodbye to Chelsie and Daniel
Welcoming Dimitri Joseph and Mari Dowling
Brett Volmert about Growing Mini Human Hearts from Stem Cells
Joshua Kaste about Building Biochemical Traffic Maps
Jamell Dacon about Fairness and Bias in Social Media Dialogue
Emily Greeson about Controlling Bacteria with Heat and Magnetism
Hariharan Ramakrishnan about Reducing Chemotherapy Side Effects
Anna Kim and Roksana Riddle about Bacteriophage as Plant Biocontrol
Sam Barans about Trauma Affecting Psychosis
Zahra Ahmad about Police Use of Force: Changing Policy Can Save Lives
Alissa Ball about Mushrooms that Eat Metal!?
Jamie Liebold about Closing the Gap in PFAS Research
Zach Miller about Cancer Cell Line Therapeutic Window Evaluation
Andrew Deleruyelle about TimbuR: The People’s Forest Volume and Biomass Estimator
Maddy Eischer about Sewing & Suturing - Closing the Gap between Fashion & Medicine
Charlotte Best about Myelin, Microbiomes and Anesthesia
Lauren Emerick about Michigan's Pig Problem
Gregory Marchal about A Gamble of Life and Death
Grant Bruninga about Saving A Species: Not a Red Herring...but Lake Herring!
June Oh about Learning "Cultures" in Science Through Writing
Gregory Hess about Smart Networks for a Smart Electric Grid
Philip Engelgau about Peeling Back the Secrets to Banana Aroma Biosynthesis
Claire Kopenhafer about Gassy Galaxies are Healthy Galaxies
Alassane Sow about Mushroom Mania
Brooke Devries about Don’t Lighten Up - Health Effects of Light at Night
Azam Ali Sher about Drug-Resistant Bacteria in the Human Gut
Megan Mikhail about Disadvantage and Eating Disorders - Overturning Stereotypes
Serena Lotreck about Automated Hypothesis Generation for the Plant Sciences
Maria Milan about Improving Energy Efficiency of Homes in Rural Alaska
Paul Bylsma about A Mirage in Online Education
Liang Zhao about The Magic of "Poop Water" to Monitor COVID-19 Incidences
Merve Nur Kursav about Productive Disciplinary Engagement of English Learners in Mathematics Classroom
Kayleigh Ward about Building Community in Japan After Disasters
Lexi Nadolsky about The Pandemic Penalty on Women and POC in STEM
Jen Fry about Sport Geography is Geography
Lexi Nadolsky about The Genetics of Sex in Electric Fish
Nick Chargo about Using Gut Bacteria to Prevent Osteoporosis
Justin Wigard about Graphic Medicine, Critical-Making, and English Classrooms
Nathan Kauffman about How to Use the Immune System to Fight Cancer
Robert Stanley about Rising From the Ashes
Jenna Beffel about The Siblings of Children with Autism
Kylie Smith about The Nose – A Brain Health Revolutionary
Andrew Kearney about The Persistence of Salmonella in Sugar Stored for 3 Years
Ti'Air Riggins about Astrocytes: the Guardian of the Brain
COGS Fall Welcome Back
Yoni Lewis Israeli about Growing Mini Hearts with Stem Cells
Isabel John and Lauren Wiklund about Normalcy vs Solidarity
Conor Bertucci about Microalgae: The Green Machine
Cameron Bennett about Something's Fishy: Gene Duplicates in Embryonic Development
Kewalin Samart about Repurposing Drugs for Diseases
Nick Ivanov about Fixing the Internet Inequality with Blockchain
Moh Alhaj and Nicole Mancina about The Promise of Bioplastics
Avery Tilley about Deer, Mosquitos, and Us: A New Look at Wildlife Disease
Gia Haddock about The Amphibian Pet Trade Industry is at Risk of Collapse!
Alex J. Roy about Understanding a Rare Movement Disorder
Stavros Vakalis about "See-through" Imaging with Millimeter-waves
Thilani Jayakody and Jacob Jensen about Gene Editing Potatoes
Erika Buhk about Masks Under a Microscope
Geeta Kumari about Reducing the Cost of Flights Using Superalloys
Varshini Perumal about Cellular Senescence in Alzheimer's Disease
Qian Bates about Tools of the Trade: Paintbrushes
Sukhwindar Ajimal about Can Nutrition Predict and Prevent a Heart Attack?
Jasmine Jordan about De Facto Housing Segregation at MSU
Megan Carrillo about The Gray Space of Medicine
Emma Dester and Saad Sharief about Saving Lives with Nano-Biosensors
Hayden Stoub about Taking Aim at Tumor Cells
Sarah Jacobson about Squatting to Make Ends Meet: Immigrants and Housing Occupations
Raisa Glabman about Mapping the Mammary Tumor Microenvironment
Jen Zavalnitskaya about Habitat Management of Asparagus Pests
Hannah Jeffery about How Fast Cooking Beans Can Benefit Our Future
Chad Hall about Arabic American English - A New Discovery
Alec, Anna, Robert, Nic about Therapy to a New Level
Selin Akgun about Educational Research During a Pandemic
Maria Berry about Learning about Learning
Jake Sawecki about a Gutsy Approach to Management of Great Lakes Salmon
Shelby Dechow about Tuberculosis Genetics and pH-adaptation
Brijen, Liang and Maddie About How Wastewater Could Predict the Increase in SARS-CoV-2 Cases
Kelsey Merreck Wagner about Elephantine in the Anthropocene
Sam Evalt about A Fusion Recipe: Creativity in Practice
Rahul Jain about The Evolution of Elements
Lexi Singstock about How Mast Cells May Help Regulate Emotions in Mice
Querus Hamlin about Mapping Nutrients in the Great Lakes
Marissa and Emily about The Use of Electric and Magnetic Stimulation in the Treatment of Depression
Derek and Brad about Predicting NHL Player Success
Emily Mensch about Novel Invasive Species Management of the Sea Lamprey
Samantha Finkbeiner about Training a Neural Network to Track Fear Reactivity in Human Infants
Tamas Budner about Radioactive Elements in Exploding Stars
Justin Scott about Extending Design to All People
Chris Gottschalk about the Apples Behind the Cider
Kati Ford about Turning Pollution Into Biofuels
Osama Alian about Extreme Bacteria in the Deep Ocean
Katie Mitchell about Keeping Compassion in Virtual Medicine
Aalayna Green about Gender Roles in Wildlife Crime
Matthew Swiatnicki about Novel Mutations in Lung Cancer
Carolyn Kroger about the Psychology of Spacetime
Josh Lensmire about The Metabolism of Staph Infection
Anna Raschke about PFAS in the Watershed
Lin Liu about Globally Modeling Crops for Sustainability
John Williams about Characterizing Killer Compounds for Treating Tuberculosis
Ryley and Donald about Disordered Eating in Athletes
Garrett Weidig about The Biomechanics of Hand Impairments
Kaelyn Sanders about School Gun Violence
Lauren Jernstadt about Telecontraception
Does Sleep Strengthen Unintentional Memories? With Abdulrahman, Erin and Kaylie
Paige Cordts about The Reality of Traveling with a Disability
Lauren Collier-Spruel about Effective Allyship
Jenna Walters about Blueberry Pollination with Bees
Kevin Kraef about Accessing Affordable Healthcare
Jeremy Gingrich about Plastics in the Placenta
Kathleen Rhoades about Perfecting Michigan Tart Cherries
Harnoor Kaur about Transgender Homicides in the Media
Leigh Anne Tiffany about Expansive Science Reporting
Kyle Whitehouse about Self-Love to Overcome Adversity
Adam Kawash about the Missing Nova in the Milky Way
Amber, Kelly and Micayla about Talking with Skeletons
Dhaval Gandhi about Neuroscience and the Courtroom
Zachary Morehouse on Shaking Up Virus Detection
Megan Miller about Can Spirituality Help With Pain?
Hamid Karimi about Teachers in Social Media
Nick Ivanov on Blockchain Beyond Cryptocurrencies
Brittany, Christian and Basma about Youth Opioid Awareness Program
Bridget Walker about Red Panda Thyroid Testing
Pranshu Bajpai on the Menace of Cryptographic Ransomware
Zoe Hansen about Bacterial Infections and the Gut
The Sci-Files Virtual Q&A
Victoria Toomajian about Extracellular Vesicle Communication and the Heart
Kaitlyn Daza about Genetics and the Swine Industry
Funmi Ayeni about Community Interventions for Sexual Assault
Jose Rodrigues about Food Borne Pathogens
Courtney Harrison about Lake Whitefish Infectious Diseases
Aaron Staples about Beer Economics and Sustainability
Nick Jaffe about Gray Wolf Movement
Jaali the Baby Black Rhino
Nick Young on Graduate Admissions Process in Physics
Lauren, Natalie, Arienne on the Coronavirus
David Butts on Chronic Wasting Disease and Evacuation Modeling
Seyed Mohammadreza Heidari on Green Chemistry Nanotechnology
Mustafa Ahmadzai on the Brain of The Gut
Tyler Derr on Graphs and Deep Learning
Pratap Bhanu Solanki on Underwater Robot Communication
Dee Jordan on African Sleeping Sickness
Alyssa Logan on Horse Bone Health
Abdul Abbas on Ankylosing Spondylitis
Tracy Melvin on Climate Change in Alaska
Jeremy, Ally and Ben on Irrigation Systems
Corbin Standley on Youth Suicide Prevention
Doppsee the Pregnant Black Rhino at Potter Park Zoo
Mike Pajkos on Exploring Stellar Explosions
Lili Gloe on Anxiety and the Brain
Rachel Domagalski on Math Networks
Dianna Cowern - Physics Girl
Kaitlyn Casulli on Salmonella and Dry Roasting Peanuts
Mike Morrison on Realist Versus Dreamers
Nguyen Truong on Type 1 Diabetes Inflammation
Vanessa García Polanco on Immigrant Refugees and the Food System
Cort Thompson on Neural Implant Biocompatibility
Lauren Cooper on Intersection of Forest, Climate and People
Tatiana Bustos on Health Services in Underserved Communities
Kayla, Justin and Jon on Prenatal Infection Affecting Pregnancy
Diondra Straiton on Parent Training for Autism
Jaimie Strickland and Matt Kuhn on Cow Immunity and Nutrition
Vanessa, Mary, Greg and Emma on Per- and Poly-Fluoroalkyl Substances (PFASs)
Tayler Murphy and Victor Gipson II on Mentoring and Creation of Stem Cells
Anastasiya Lavell and Cameron De La Mora on Mentoring and Chloroplast Lipid Biosynthesis
Isaiah Kaufman on Plant Resilience to Temperature Changes
Kyle Card and Jasper Gomez on Mentoring and Antibiotic Resistance
Nikki McClaran on Perception of Health and Environmental Issues
Connie Rojas on Spotted Hyena Microbiomes
Ben Hall on Quantum Computing
Huiyun and Natalie on Mentoring and the One Health Challenge
Courtney Larson on Aquatic Entomology
Courtney, Katie and Michael on Mentoring and Entomology
Faryal and Kate on Mentoring and MRI Protein Engineering
Jacob Bradburn on Employee Selection and Individual Differences
Chelsea Weiskerger on Quality of the Great Lakes Beaches
Sara Ayoub on Separator for Capture Reactions (SECAR)
Darren Incorvaia on Bumblebees
Robert Logan on Microscopic Organisms in Deserts
Claire Hoffmann on African Carnivores and Human Conflict
Joel Soler on How Light Affects Memory
Kathryn Wierenga on Silica and Lupus
John Tran on Plant BioFuels
Jennifer Watts on Zika