In Depth - A Surfing Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 60 Season 1

Ep 60 | Understanding Breath, Apnea and the difference to Wim Hoff | Sally Howe

Ep 60 | Understanding Breath, Apnea and the difference to Wim Hoff | Sally HoweEp 60 | Understanding Breath, Apnea and the difference to Wim Hoff | Sally Howe


More episodes

  1. Ep 60 | Understanding Breath, Apnea and the difference to Wim Hoff | Sally Howe

  2. Ep 59 | Overcoming pain that stops you surfing and returning after years - Jon Dunning

  3. Ep 58 | What it means to be a mindful surfer - Catching up with the Mindful Surfer Podcast

  4. Ep 57 | Listen to this if you are feeling frustrated, stuck or in a negative loop

  5. Submit your questions - I want you to be a part of the show! | In Depth Returns

  6. Ep 56 | Effective surf training to develop muscle memory - Slow is smooth and smooth is fast

  7. Ep 55 | Should you move to a bigger surfboard and how to manage changing boards up or down

  8. Ep 54 | Getting back into surfing after years out or an injury

  9. Ep 53 | The best way to improve your fitness for surfing

  10. Ep 52 | Where should you hands be during the pop up

  11. Ep 51 | When to stop riding a soft-top surfboard?

  12. Ep 50 | What I wish I knew when I was younger to improve my surfing

  13. Ep 49 | Shouldn't you just surf more to get better or are there other ways to train?

  14. Ep 48 | How to angle the take-off and common mistakes

  15. Ep 47 | Beginners Surfing Guide: How to get out the back and more

  16. Ep 46 | Finding the right surfboard and when to change boards

  17. Ep 45 | Pop up Masterclass- Understanding your pop up problems and how to fix them

  18. Ep 44 | How to finish waves & learn to turn: You are missing the best section of every wave

  19. Ep 43 | Fix your surfing style with this one tip & improve your technique, so you don't surf flat

  20. Ep 42 | What is Style in Surfing and how to surf with more style

  21. Ep 41 | Visualisation - if you can't see yourself doing it, you wont & copy other surfers to improve your surfing

  22. Ep 40 | Applying The OMBE Method of Training to anything in your surfing

  23. Ep 39 | Surf Fitness: How flexible and strong do you need to be - what you actually need and what's just bs

  24. Ep 38 | What surf skate do we recommend, how to get started and work up to skating a bowl

  25. Ep 37 | How to Complete turns and not cut them short