You Must Be Some Kind of Therapist Trailer Bonus Episode 154 Season 1

154. Uncomfortable Truths About “Trans”: A Conversation with Filmmaker Travis Brown

154. Uncomfortable Truths About “Trans”: A Conversation with Filmmaker Travis Brown154. Uncomfortable Truths About “Trans”: A Conversation with Filmmaker Travis Brown


More episodes

  1. 154. Uncomfortable Truths About “Trans”: A Conversation with Filmmaker Travis Brown

  2. 153. Understanding Identity and Personhood Through a Catholic Lens with Dr. Greg Bottaro

  3. 152. The Catholic Blueprint of the Human Psyche with Dr. Gregory Bottaro

  4. 151. Revisiting Race Relations: Letters in Black and White with Winkfield Twyman & Jennifer Richmond

  5. 150. When Treatment Worsens Trauma: Detransitioner Levi Hayes on Filing a Board Complaint

  6. 149. Sissy Hypnosis Pornography: What Parents of Boys Need to Know with Shane Cole

  7. 148. Executive Orders Decoded: Attorney Glenna Goldis Explains Impacts on American Families

  8. 147. Supporting Wives and Girlfriends of Autogynephilic Men: Is Healthy Relating Possible?

  9. 146. Raising Young Renaissance Men: Maxim Smith on The Preparation, an Alternative to College

  10. 145. Putting Children’s Needs Before Adults’ Desires with Katy Faust

  11. 144. Scapegoat or Sacrifice? Nina Paley Reframes Group Dynamics & Cancel Culture

  12. 143. How Harrison Tinsley Saved His Son: A Harrowing Battle with Gender Lunacy

  13. 142. Year in Review: 2024 Reflections and 2025 Aspirations

  14. 141. We Wish You a Merry Christmas

  15. 140. Gender Dysphoria as a Mind-Body Problem: A Psychoanalytic Perspective with Jaco van Zyl

  16. 139. The ROGD Repair Scholarship Program: Supporting Parents of Trans-Identified Youth

  17. 138. United States v. Skrmetti: Detransitioners Amicus Brief in Supreme Court Case with Diana Lutfi

  18. 137. The Crisis in Pediatric Care: Dr. Nikki Johnson on Medical Ethics & Patient Advocacy

  19. 136. The Future of Free Speech in the Counseling Profession with James Esses

  20. 135. Even Worse Than We Thought: The Woke Takeover of Counseling Psych Grad School | Ryan Rogers

  21. 134. Antisemitism and Mental Health with Malka Shaw, LCSW

  22. 133. How to Find a Good Doctor: Dr. Andrew Zywiec on the Capture of the Medical Profession

  23. 132. Colluding with Madness? Dr. Jillian Spencer on the Psychology of Gender-Affirming Clinicians

  24. 131. “Is JK Rowling Transphobic?” Critical Thinking and its Consequences, with Warren Smith

  25. 130. Queers for Palestine? The Paradoxes of Woke Sadomasochism with Maral Salmassi