The Pemmy, Krissi & James Kinda-Sorta-Hopefully Funny Cartoon Podcast

Al Capp, the cartoonist behind Lil' Abner and (thereby) the original portrayals of the Shmoo, passed away just two months after this show made it onto the air. We can't even begin to imagine what the outspoken Capp must have thought of his parable for the Earth's bounty being turned into a mystery solving shapeshifter. It was one of the last of the teen mystery/adventure cartoons not to involve Scooby Doo himself that HB would bring to Saturday morning, and watching this, you can kind of tell why the subgenre was in its last days.

What is The Pemmy, Krissi & James Kinda-Sorta-Hopefully Funny Cartoon Podcast?

The Pemmy, Krissi & James Kinda-Sorta-Hopefully Funny Cartoon Podcast is a misadventure into the wide world of animation. Noted webcomic artist Pembroke W. Korgi is joined by Krissi Harding and James Irish to look back on Saturday Morning favorites, syndicated series, theatrical short subjects, Anime classics, and more! Pour a bowl of your favorite breakfast cereal and come join us!