Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection

Get ready to traverse the spiritual depths of the Mitzvah of shofar in our newest podcast episode. You're about to discover how the mysterious sound of the shofar serves as a profound and heartfelt message to the divine, akin to a spiritual email. We discuss the importance of meditation as a preparatory practice before the shofar is blown, which aids in receiving God's message with clarity and depth.

Let's unravel the fascinating Jewish custom of blowing the shofar on the 29th day of Elul, a strategy to keep the Satan off-balance, and deepen your understanding of this ritual. We'll also touch upon the coronation of God as the King of the universe, a declaration announced by the sounding of the shofar. By the end of this episode, you'll have a refreshed perspective on this powerful tradition and its potential to bring you closer to God. So, come and join us on this enlightening journey as we explore these exciting aspects of spiritual practice.

This episode (#235) of the Jewish Inspiration Podcast by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe is dedicated in Honor of Ed Steiner!


To listen to other podcasts by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe: https://linktr.ee/ariwol

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Recorded in the TORCH Centre - Studio B to a live audience on September 15, 2023, in Houston, Texas.
Released as Podcast on September 15, 2023
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What is Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection?

The Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe Podcast Collection is the one-stop shop for the Torah inspiration shared by Rabbi Aryeh Wolbe in one simple feed. The Jewish Inspiration Podcast, Parsha Review Podcast, Thinking Talmudist Podcast, Living Jewishly Podcast and Unboxing Judaism Podcast all in one convenient place. Enjoy!