Voices of Hope

Mary Brooks Thompson is the wife of current Northstar President, Spencer Thompson. She is a full time mother to their four beautiful children, and a lover of life and learning. She is thrilled to have the opportunity to share her voice and perspective on this incredible platform of Voices of Hope.

Show Notes

Sallie & Danielle speak to Mary Thompson. She shares her perspective of learning of her husband Spencer’s same-sex attraction and why they decided to share their story publicly. Mary processes things through writing and shares many experiences on her blog, which is available to read. Sallie and Danielle echo the challenges that have existed at points in their marriages and personal experiences; conversely, they talk to the healing that have come from those and how marriage is really a process of learning and growing together. Whenever troubles would arise in their marriage, Mary talks about how she would hold to her wedding day and the feelings she had then as a grounding point for herself. They each share that they are grateful for these personal challenges as those have ultimately shaped who these women have become.

Mary talks about the importance of learning to allow herself to be happy and to have fun, instead of living in anxiety. They also discuss how God can make us more than what we are without him, comparing that to Mary and Spencer acquiring some caterpillars and watching them grow into butterflies. Mary closes by opening up about her personal challenge of longing to be desired and the journey that feeling has given her.


Mary and Spencer’s Voices of Hope video
Spencer’s article in the Liahona
Mary’s blog As Dews From Heaven
Mary on Facebook

What is Voices of Hope?

The personal stories shared on this podcast serve as an extension of the book and video project, Voices of Hope. It is a living repository of faithful members of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints sharing stories of how they seek to reconcile their sexual orientation or gender dysphoria, or of those they love, with their faith. You’ll hear how they have chosen to embrace the restored gospel, the inherent challenges they face, and how they’ve found peace and hope in their decisions.

As you listen to these candid and touching stories, you may find elements of their journeys that echo your own. Wherever you fall in this spectrum of experience or in your journey on the path of discipleship, you’ll find a safe place here.

Voices of Hope is a project of North Star International. North Star is a faith-affirming resource for Latter-day Saints addressing sexual orientation and gender identity, and who desire to live in harmony with the teachings of Jesus Christ and the doctrines and values of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.