Digital Marketing Made Simple with Jennie Lyon

A slowdown of your business is a natural phenomenon that occurs at any stage of its existence. It happens to all companies, regardless of their size and specialization. Are you having a slow period? Learn what it takes to make things happen, and how to cope, when times are slower than usual in today’s episode.

Show Notes

Many people are navigating their business through what has become known as the "new economic landscape." Some have seen a dramatic loss of traffic and sales; others have had to deal with other challenges that slow down or disrupt an organization’s productivity - but it doesn't mean you can't make lemonade out of these situations!

While many business owners are feeling the pressure and anxiety of a slowing market; and it may feel like all hope is lost. It's not! We know how hard times can seem at first glance, so we want to share with you today what you should do now while there are still calm waters ahead: Let's look at many several things you can do for yourself and your business to thrive again in today’s episode: How to Handle the Natural Slowdown of Your Business.

What you will learn:

  1. Embrace The Downtime  - A short break might do wonders when we're burning out; please don't hesitate: take some R&R before things start getting too hectic again around December 31st!!

  2. Enhance Your Skills and Certifications - The money that goes into your education will pay off ten times over as you start to get more clients through word-of-mouth and social media interaction.

  3. Network & Connect- You need to get out there and meet other people who are as passionate about entrepreneurship as you.

  4. Passive Income - Who doesn't like to make money in their sleep?  There are two main options for generating digital 'passive' earnings: product and affiliate marketing.

  5. Batch & Schedule Content - Create batches of content and schedule them! This will take some of the pressure off of you to create in a pinch. Your content won't go stale because everything has been planned out ahead of time.

  6. Show Client Love -Old and new clients are good people to keep in touch with, even if you aren't currently working with them.  Client referrals are gold in our industries.

  7. Stay Positive - It's important to stay positive during the bad times because this can affect your mindset, which affects your work. Positivity breeds productivity! 

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What is Digital Marketing Made Simple with Jennie Lyon?

How do you grow your online business? Grow your email list? Build a social media following? Start a webinar, online course, or podcast? For many people, creating a profitable online business is the dream. Discover why thousands of online business owners have turned to Jennie Lyon to help them grow their online business using digital marketing and virtual assistant services. Jennie shares her best digital marketing tips, practices, and strategies to get you optimal results!