The Divine Life of Sai Baba

'Baba Manifested from Thin Air' is the 55th story in this series.

'Sai Baba's Divine Leelas' is a new audio series compiled and recited by Dr Vinny Chitluri. Repeated hearing of these Leelas will deepen one's faith and love in Baba.

Sarojatai Kasturi, a fervent devotee of Baba, resided in Baroda. From the time she was a young girl, she had complete faith in Baba, whom she considered as the Supreme God.

At one point in time, Sarojatai was disheartened and dismayed by the fact that she had been married for six years but was unable to conceive. The couple yearned to have a child, and she prayed to Baba asking Him to grant her this wish. The couple then got themselves checked for infertility.

Sarojatai got admitted into Bina Clinic as she was scheduled to have a dilation and curettage. She endured a lot of pain during the procedure and she knew very well she would have to. While the procedure was being done, Sarojatai closed her eyes and chanted Baba’s name. Sarojatai kept repeating ‘Sai Ram, Sai Ram’ softly under her breath. Finally the procedure was completed and a short while later she felt better. The doctor checked Sarojatai again and allowed her to go home that night.

Her husband was waiting for her, and both of them left riding on a motorbike. They had hardly gone about 20 feet, when they saw something that looked like a bright white cloud which slowly took the form of a Fakir. Both of them were stunned and couldn’t believe their eyes. Her husband, Kasturi, had slammed on the brakes and they waited and watched as Baba from His Nirgun state took Sagun appearance and gave them this divine vision. Baba with ingenuity showed that even in this day and age, a divine visitation was possible.

Baba looked compassionately at Sarojatai and asked, “Why were you calling out to me?” Sarojatai was so confused at seeing Baba actually manifest from thin air that she replied, “I was not calling you, Maharaj.” Then Baba said, “Just now in the clinic you were calling me. Why?” Sarojatai replied, “Oh! I was calling my Shirdi Sai Baba. I didn’t call you, Maharaj.” Then Baba said, “I have come from Shirdi, my child. Don’t worry, you will definitely give birth to a baby boy soon.” Baba turned and looked at her husband and asked him to give him two rupees. Immediately he put his hand in his pocket. There was a single rupee coin which he gave the Fakir. Baba wouldn’t accept it and asked him again for two rupees.

To behold the manifestation of God in front of you is far beyond the comprehension of the human mind. The mind gets baffled, and it feels that the brain has shut down. Sometimes you just mechanically answer questions even when the Fakir gives you many hints and clues.

Shri Kasturi was worried about his wife’s procedure and said, “Maharaj, my wife is not feeling well. I am in a hurry to take her home. So please accept this coin.” And he dropped the coin in Baba’s Jholi. Shri Kasturi started his motorbike and drove a short distance, when Baba loudly said, “You owe me a rupee. Give it to me when you come to Shirdi.” And he disappeared gradually.

Shri Kasturi drove on. Then he realised what he had actually seen. He was perspiring profusely although it was a chilly night. He stopped and turned to his wife and said, “Don’t tell anyone what we just saw, as it is unbelievable. No one will ever believe us. They will think that we are making up stories. But today we saw the divine manifestation of Baba. We should have prostrated at His feet. What a terrible mistake!”

With regret, he cried out to Baba, “Baba, we invariably profess to have utmost faith in you. But in reality, the truth is very different. As a matter of fact, we don’t have true faith in you. We just make a show of looking at you. However, we are constantly looking at worthless objects with the hope that it will bring us wealth and comfort in this life. Thus we are constantly groping in the darkness of ignorance. Oh, compassionate Lord, if only we had that unshakeable faith in you and loved you from the bottom of our hearts and given our lives in your hands, then no power on earth could have separated us from you. Baba, by your grace, this veil of Maya can be torn asunder. Then our lives can become pure and we can offer our lives into your hands so that you can guide us on to the right path of devotion. Baba, the veil of Maya had enveloped me so completely that even after seeing you manifest, I could not grasp it. I was more concerned about my wife’s wellbeing, hence I had not even made an earnest attempt to find and give you two rupees. Yet I claim to be your devotee. Baba, please forgive me; and from this moment on, I give my life into your hands.”

Following this divine incident, Sarojatai and her husband’s faith in Baba increased by leaps and bounds. Their faith grew stronger with every passing day, as they had witnessed Baba’s omnipresence with their own eyes.

This Leela is taken from Shri Sai Sagar Magazine, vol. 7, no. 2, April 2008.

Show Notes

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What is The Divine Life of Sai Baba?

A special podcast series by Dr. Vinny Chitluri which is on Baba's leelas and life history.