Neville On Fire

As we put new ideas into practice, we meet difficulties...

Difficulty in many forms.
a. The first difficulty is being unable to focus.
b. The second problem is the incessant internal chatter or “monkey mind”.
c. The third difficulty is the experience of seemingly more and more extreme ups and downs.
d. The final form of difficulty that I want to discuss today is the detrimental effects of institutions. 

Difficulty: Focus.
Solution 1: Your well-considered and worthwhile aim; do not drift.
Solution 2: Notice what information sources and forms of entertainment you rely upon.
Solution 3: The practical approach to staying on track consists in creating beneficial habits.

Difficulty: Incessant internal chatter.
Solution 4. Neville converts what we thought was a mental nuisance into a great internal tool.

Difficulty: Ups and downs
Solution 5: Understand how the subconscious works. Neville’s treatment is ingenious.
Solution 6: Observing. That’s already a qualitative shift in your mental economy.
Solution 7. Remove from the negative thing your consent. Turn your attention to your aim.

Difficulty: Detrimental effects of institutions.
Solution 8: Identify the “institutions”; contemplate their effects. Compose counter-affirmations.

“But, you are told, you were first in your own sight a grasshopper and because of this you were to the giants a
grasshopper. In other words, you can only be to others what you are first to yourself.” (Neville, At Your Command, Chapter 3)

by Neville; text and audio by Barry Peterson:
Prayer, The Art of Believing 
At Your Command

mp3 download - Neville Mental Diets

Napoleon Hill, Interview with the Devil. Consummate warning against drifting.
Maurice Nicoll

What is Neville On Fire?

Neville Goddard (1905-1972) offered a compelling explanation of the human condition and an intriguing and empowering path of self-discovery. Join your host Ed to explore from the ground up this most essential mystery: the human imagination.