Optimise Your Body with Martin Silva

Welcome to another episode of Optimise Your Body! Today, we're excited to have Dr. Shawn Baker join us. He shares his fascinating journey with the carnivore diet and its remarkable health benefits. As an orthopaedic surgeon and athlete, he delves into how his personal quest for improved health in his 40s led him to explore nutrition. Dr. Baker details his transition through various diets before fully embracing the carnivore diet, focusing solely on meat and animal products. He discusses the positive impacts on his health, from enhanced digestion to improved sleep and even libido. Get ready for an eye-opening discussion where he addresses common concerns about the carnivore diet, debunking myths and providing expert insights based on his medical background

  • 0:00 - Introduction to today’s episode. 
  • 1:42 - Athletic achievements and medical career
  • 2:21- Nutrition and health with a focus on the carnivore diet
  • 6:27 - Aging with a former athlete
  • 9:50- The effectiveness of a carnivore diet for various health issues
  • 15:08 - Cholesterol and its relationship to health
  • 18:40- Cholesterol levels and their impact on cardiovascular health
  • 22:40- Healthy eating and nutrition
  • 28:29 - Human evolution and diet
  • 31:15- Nutrient density and sustainability in the context of animal-based foods
  • 34:21- Human evolution and dietary preferences
  • 37:03- Environmental impact of animal agriculture and profit-driven marketing strategies
  • 43:59 - Beef production’s environmental impact
  • 47:10 - Sustainable farming practices and environmental impacts
  • 50:52- Dealing with criticism and pushback as a public figure
  • 55:53 - Conclusion

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Connect with Martin Silva: (Social media handles, Website - hyperlinked)

  1. https://www.instagram.com/martinsilvafitness/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/c/MartinSilvaWBFFPro
  3. https://www.facebook.com/Optimiseyourbodycoaching/

Connect with Dr Shawn Baker   (Social media handles, Website - hyperlinked)

  1. https://www.instagram.com/shawnbaker1967/
  2. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC5apkKkeZQXRSDbqSalG8CQ?app=desktop
  3. https://www.youtube.com/c/Revero

What is Optimise Your Body with Martin Silva?

Hosted by Transformation Coach and Ex-Pro Physique Competitor- Martin Silva.
Nutrition. Training. Lifestyle. Mindset.
Martin is a true health guru. With a focus on nutrition and the best foods that we can be eating to maintain optimum health.
Find out how Martin's life changed when he put health before aesthetics with a clean diet and more of a balanced lifestyle.
Martin has interviewed some world-renowned guests on his podcast.
If you're looking to level up your body and mindset, this podcast is for you.