The Lookout on RNC RADIO

It's Season Two of the show that breaks down all of the lies from the Subs & Dubs! Join us each week while we take a look into one of anime's most iconic race of warriors - The Saiyans.

From his humble beginnings as a timid child to his evolution into one of Earth's most powerful warriors, Gohan's journey is one that has resonated with fans for decades. This week, Dee & Jay explore the various stages of Gohan's life throughout Dragon Ball Z and examine how he grew and changed over the course of the series to ask the question - Do fans truly get Gohan?

Follow The Lookout Network on Twitter: @TheLookoutRNC
Follow Dee on Twitter: @BrotherDeee
Follow Jay on Twitter: @VersaceVegeta_

What is The Lookout on RNC RADIO?

Welcome to The Lookout on RNC RADIO, home of The Lookout Podcast, Mt. Silver Podcast, Subs Lie, Dubs Lie and all other content exploring anime.