Karakia Rātapu

Karakia featuring Serena Williams, the Rev’d Te Hauoterangi (Howard), Samuel Hokianga, and the Ven Dr Lyndon Drake with kauwhau from Keri-Ann Hokianga.

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What is Karakia Rātapu?

Led by the Ven Dr Lyndon Drake, Keri-Ann Hokianga, and the Rev'd Te Hauoterangi Karaka, we provide a contemporary Māori Anglican karakia each Sunday on Waatea Irirangi.

We are all part of the team from te Takiwā o Manukau, a group of churches in South Auckland. Lyndon is the Archdeacon of Tāmaki Makaurau, and Keri-Ann and Te Hauoterangi are evangelists with te Takiwā o Manukau.