End Of Days Podcast


QAnon is a conspiracy theory that supports the idea that powerful politicians, aristocrats, and celebrities are closely engaged in a pedophile ring. At the same time, many governments are controlled by the “puppet masters” where the democratically elected officials serve as a fake showroom of democracy.

Show Notes

Conspiracy theories, and suspicion in general, define us as hu- man beings. Our suspicion and tendency to create conspiracy theories have always been with the human race, powered by our evolutionary drive to survive. Although this evolution- ary drive to survive is helpful, it can often become extreme and lead to “apophenia.” Apophenia refers to the notion of connecting previously unconnected ideas and theories. Un- like learning, apophenia refers to a cognitive, paranoid disor- der due to the unreality of the connections they make.... Is Q ANNON a conspiracy theory? Ill let you decide.

What is End Of Days Podcast ?

Have we found truth ? It's more like we just uncovered all the lies, only to find that in between all the lies, the truth is suffocated until its gasps no more. Truth will always be surrounded by lies. The truth must be constantly pursued and protected from the lies. Just like there could no appreciation for good if not for evil, there is nothing more important than living truthfully in the face of lies. If you believe the lie your search for truth ends there. Truth from what we found is not a single destination but a way of life. The truth evolves, penetrates, sinks deep when found. Lies are fickle, shallow, and bounce right off you when exposed in the light of truth.

So, you think we found truth?