Better Together with Kosta Yepifantsev

Join Kosta and his guest: Dr. Mark Green, educator, community organizer and actor. Currently Dr. Green is a professor of biology at Tennessee Tech University and Vol State Community College where he facilitates a campus community garden and non-credit based outdoor series open to all adventurers of the Upper Cumberland.

In this episode: The first thing you told us when we started working on this episode was that you were the Forrest Gump of the academic world and there couldn’t be a truer statement. From dropping out of school to join the military to later getting your PhD, to being a stand-in for Tom Hanks on Sully, to starting a public outdoor adventure series in the Upper Cumberland, you’ve left no stone unturned. What did you want to be when you grew up? Did you ever think you’d meet the actual Forrest Gump? You currently work as a professor at both Vol State and TTU. At Vol State you've not only started a non-credit based outdoor adventure series, but you’ve also started a community garden for faculty and students. Will you tell us about the outdoor series and how the campus garden works?

Find out more about UC Outdoor Adventure Series and VSCC:

Better Together with Kosta Yepifantsev is a product of Morgan Franklin Media and recorded in Cookeville, TN.

This episode of Better Together with Kosta Yepifantsev is made possible by our partners at Aspire Barber and Beauty Academy and Caleb Bates Personalized Learning.

Find out more about Aspire Barber and Beauty Academy:

Find out more about Caleb Bates Personalized Learning:

Creators & Guests

Kosta Yepifantsev

What is Better Together with Kosta Yepifantsev?

Better Together with Kosta Yepifantsev is a podcast about business, parenting and living life intentionally. We're here every week to bring you intentional conversations on making your own path to success, challenging the status quo, and finding all the ways we're better. Recorded in Cookeville, TN, Kosta joins guests from all walks of life to bring fresh perspective and start your week with purpose. We're better together.