Live Your Heart Out with Conni Biesalski

On this episode of Live Your Heart Out, I interview Beck Power, intrepid entrepreneur, funnel hacker, owner of NomadFly, and full time digital nomad.

Show Notes

On this episode of Live Your Heart Out, I interview Beck Power, intrepid entrepreneur, funnel hacker, owner of NomadFly, and full time digital nomad.

Beck spent years as a travel agent, learning how to create the best travel itineraries for her clients. She’s taken her knowledge to create NomadFly, a platform to help others hack flights to all around the world. Now she makes money through funnels and infoproducts. Beck began her life as a digital nomad when when felt called to move to Thailand. She recently moved to Mexico to level up her entire life and business.

You can find out more about Beck Power on her website, Beck Power, Facebook, Facebook Group, and Instagram.

In this episode you’ll find out:

  • Why Beck decided to rebrand her business.
  • How the universe pushed her out of her comfort zone.
  • What effect Thailand was having on her emotional space.
  • Why she moved to Mexico
  • How it feels for Beck when she makes a decision.
  • What her best piece of advice is.
  • How she implements personal challenges and commitments to uplevel her life.
  • What you need to get over in order to reach a goal.
  • How she determined her “why” and how that’s changed her approach to life.
  • Why it’s okay to be uncomfortable.
  • What Beck does to find pleasure outside of her comfort zone.
  • How to deal with family and friends who want to hold you back.
  • How she broke the cycle of starting and quitting.
  • What steps she took to overcome the fear of not knowing enough.

We touch on some really important messages:

  • Our excuses are really just fears.
  • You have to think - what do I really want from my life and can I live it for someone else? No, you can’t.
  • At any point you can create a challenge that allows an opportunity for you to level up in life.
  • When there’s no flow, let it go.

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If you loved this episode or others, please leave me review on iTunes – it would mean A LOT.

Love ya,


What is Live Your Heart Out with Conni Biesalski?

The Live Your Heart Out Podcast is all about personal growth and lifestyle design for wild hearts, soulpreneurs and change-makers. It is a deep dive into the exploration of what it means to live a meaningful life. Conni Biesalski is a queer creative entrepreneur, blogger, YouTuber, vegan Yogi and digital nomad. Her mission is to show people that it is safe to be themselves.
The show features a mix of solo musings in Conni's raw+real, unplugged style as well as interviews with inspiring humans. Topics include personal development, raising consciousness, plant-based health, creativity, entrepreneurship, LGBTQ issues, holistic living, relationships, sex..all the good stuff!
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