Dear Hyperlocal Travel Agent! with Juanita Metzger

On this episode, "Anxiously Amorous" asks for advice on where to go for a comfortable and enjoyable rendez-vous. Juanita recommends a patio date in Belmont Village, DTKs hideaway arcade bar, or a picnic-themed evening in Guelph.

Show Notes

Dear Hyperlocal Travel Agent is written and produced by Juanita Metzger & Matthew Rappolt
Audio Production and Distribution by Matthew Rappolt and Midtown Radio KW
"Anxiously Amorous" played by Mackenzie Drinkwater
Royalty Free Music courtesy of Scott Holmes Music
For more information about hyper-local travel in Waterloo Region contact Juanita at

What is Dear Hyperlocal Travel Agent! with Juanita Metzger?

KW travel writer, localist, and owner of 'Stroll Walking Tours' Juanita Metzger shares her "2 Minute Travel Advice" for exploring Waterloo Region. From hard-to-find hideaways in DTK to rural recluses in the Townships, you can get all of your Waterloo travel advice right here.