Pot Psychology

Reckoning comes to Pot Psychology. In 2008, Tracie wore and posted a picture of herself in a bikini with the Confederate flag printed on it. She's sorry and has a lot to say about it. Rich is here for tough love and support.

In solidarity and to help encourage the flow of money toward black people and causes, we will be matching our listeners’ donations to the Trans Women of Color Collective and the bail funds, mutual aid funds, and activist organizations listed on this Act Blue page set up in the memory of George Floyd. Donate, send us a screenshot of your receipt (either by DMing us or to potpsych@gmail.com), and we will match your donation with funds generated from this podcast. Plus, the listener who donates the most money will be gifted a lifetime subscription to our Patreon.

Show Notes

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Creators & Guests

Rich Juzwiak
Tracie Egan Morrissey

What is Pot Psychology?

One is gay, one is straight, and both are alive: Tracie Egan Morrissey & Rich Juzwiak navigate pop culture and whatever of past, present, and beyond. For access to bonus episodes, visit http://patreon.com/potpsychology