The ((Yoga)) of Yoga™ Podcast

I was just another all-American boy growing up in the 80s and 90s caring about things like... not yoga... But something began to ((awaken)) beyond my superficial will... And Little did I know that I was about to be led by ((Yoga)) into a ((Journey)) the likes of which no one could have predicted... especially me.

Show Notes

 "This is not your body," I ((Heard)) one day as I was busy trying to exercise myself into being more "attractive"... This was the first big ((Insight)) that began to break a "trance" I didn't know I was in... along with everyone else.  It would take me 20 more years plugging away against the inertia of "mental slavery" to realize what ((Yoga)) was calling me to do all the while... Not to "quiet the mind" but to ((Liberate)) it. 

What is The ((Yoga)) of Yoga™ Podcast ?

Answering the ((Call)) of ((Yoga)) means we have to get ((Humble)) to ((Yoga)). Sure, it can be presented as a stretching and breathing exercise that's good for your health... but what if this way of practicing "yoga" is actually blocking us from ((accessing)) the ((True Power)) of ((Yoga))? Join Näthan Gangadean as he takes you into the ((Evolving Practice)) you may not have known is the Original ((Call)) of ((Yoga))!