Financial Futures

In this episode of Financial Futures, we learn how transformative BPO is helping financial institutions to not only streamline processes and find new efficiencies, but also how it is facilitating organizations' ability to meet their own ESG goals. We debunk some of the myths around BPO and we explore a real-life example of one institution's journey to better ESG through Transformative BPO. Joining us today are sales lead of business process transformation and resourcing at FIS, Simon Penny, and SVP of banking and payments Europe at FIS, Silvia Mensdorff-Pouilly. We discuss why ESG is so top-of-mind for everyone from investors to customers, and we reveal why good ESG starts with a thorough self-assessment of processes.

Show Notes

ESG has become an increasingly important factor for investors over the years, but, recently, it's become a top priority for customers, and even employees, too. And with this increased pressure to be seen to be doing good, financial institutions are looking for new ways to improve their environmental, social, and governance credentials. However, finding ways to boost these efforts aren't always easy wins and organizations need help to work out where improvements can be made - and this is where transformative business process optimization can help.

In this episode of Financial Futures, we learn how transformative BPO is helping financial institutions not only to streamline their processes and find new efficiencies, but also how it is facilitating organizations' ability to meet their own ESG goals. We debunk some of the myths around BPO and we explore a real-life example of one institution's journey to better ESG through Transformative BPO.

Joining us today are sales lead of business process transformation and resourcing at FIS, Simon Penny, and SVP of banking and payments Europe at FIS, Silvia Mensdorff-Pouilly. We discuss why ESG is so top-of-mind for everyone from investors to customers, and we reveal why good ESG starts with a thorough self-assessment of processes.

We'll also ask:
  • How do ESG and transformative BPO go hand-in-hand?
  • What is the difference between transformative BPO and outsourcing?
  • Why is ESG important for financial institutions?
  • Where can transformative BPO  help financial institutions?
  • How should organizations evaluate their ESG strategies?
  • Why is it important for institutions to appoint their own head of ESG?

What is Financial Futures?

The way we move money is changing. Fast. We want control at the touch of a finger-print. We want to send money in real-time – to the other side of the world. We want everything in one place, integrated, seamless and on our devices. Ubiquitous, embedded, fast, standardized, frictionless and secure. Global finance trends are hurling towards a unanimous conclusion.

These are our Financial Futures.

Each episode, we size up the bleeding edge of fintech innovation and explore the trends that are already transforming the way the world pays, banks and invests across the globe. And the mechanisms we’ll need to prosper in this brave new landscape.

Is the world’s technology up to the challenge? Are we?