Speaking Human-First

If you could change how people think about an issue, would you? 

If that shift required you to be radically visible–to share your personal experiences and speak up on behalf of others, regardless of what people thought about you–would you still do it?

Disability justice advocate and disabled law student Britt Belwine wrestles with these questions regularly as she weaves together information, activism, and personal experience on her TikTok and Instagram feeds.

Britt was born with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS) and has been managing its impacts on her body for her whole life. In 2020, after numerous surgeries and learning how to walk again – twice! – she logged onto TikTok and started talking.

In the three years since, she has amassed over 80,000 followers. But the number she cares most about is how many leaders, allies, and advocates she can encourage to blaze a path so that others don’t have to.

Listen to the full episode to hear:
  • How the steady accumulation of experiences of being denied access and accommodations led Britt to speak up for disability justice
  • Why Britt advocates for a broad definition of disability - legally and practically
  • Why it’s important that allies work alongside disabled people, not attempt to speak for them
  • Why Britt says that video and TikTok are such powerful tools for connection and education
  • The questions Britt asks herself when considering what about her life she wants to share
  • The experiences and education that prompted Britt’s enrollment in law school and advocacy for prisoners
  • How facing her physical vulnerability and mortality has impacted Britt’s mission to do work that is meaningful
Learn more about Britt Belwine:

Learn more about Mary Knox Miller:


What is Speaking Human-First?

What does it take to get your ideas to scale deep? It takes a little art, a little science, and a commitment to speaking human-first. Speaking Human-First is for big thinkers, subject-matter experts, and agents of change hungry for influence and impact. Host and veteran storyteller Mary Knox Miller talks with thought leaders about their road to recognition and unique ways they've shared their work with the world. You'll be emboldened to communicate what you know by focusing on who you are and what those craving your wisdom need to hear.