Elm City Vineyard Church Talks

Elm City Vineyard Church Talks Trailer Bonus Episode 168 Season 1

Empty: Empty Teacups | The Power of Our Words

Empty: Empty Teacups | The Power of Our WordsEmpty: Empty Teacups | The Power of Our Words

The Bible talks a lot about power of the words that come out of our mouths. Proverbs says that death and life are in the power of our tongue. Are our tongues producing words of life or words of death? Join us this Sunday as we discover if our mouths are full of gossip, slander, and lies or truth, encouragement, and edification.

- Series Description -

Following our Easter service exploring the power of the empty tomb, we will spend several weeks looking at how resurrection changes emptiness. Because of the resurrection, we know that empty things can be blessed. And some things need to be emptied to be consecrated for blessings that go far beyond what we can see. How do our schedules, wallets, contacts, and more need to be emptied in order for us to experience God’s abundance? Come and learn more.

Creators & Guests

Charissa Lui

What is Elm City Vineyard Church Talks?

Elm City Vineyard Church Talks is a collection of talks from Elm City Vineyard Church, a faith community in New Haven, CT.