AcornChat has real users now! Christian loves how TDD makes his code bulletproof.

Show Notes

AcornChat has real users now! Christian loves how TDD makes his code bulletproof. 

 00:00 Intro 
 06:58 Kaggle GPS update 
 14:09 AcornChat real users 
 15:33 Reaching out to users is hard 
 19:00 Analytics 
 27:50 MarketingChangelog ? 
 30:32 FileInbox work time 
 33:55 New features for fileinbox 
 35:16 TDD 
 41:45 Dropbox OAuth 
 43:09 File uploads and virus scanning 
 48:32 SEO links 
 50:03 How to get MRR up faster 
 52:42 Personal updates 
 Timestamps created with by @cgenco

What is

Chris and Christian build some software businesses.