Simplavida: Simplified Longevity

Zone 2 Training: The Mechanics

The most frequent questions we get about low-intensity training aren't generally about the benefits. They are about the mechanics, i.e., the gear and the protocols. People want to know: What gear do I need, what workouts should I do, and how do I combine gear and workouts to do this? 

In this episode, we go into all of that in detail—in a simple way. You don't need to think so hard: Just get on with things. Get your heart rate up regularly, at least to the point where you can't speak in pages, and the benefits will come. But it doesn't need to stop there, and we provide detailed notes about to take it a lot further and get maximum benefit, simply.

Note: This is an abridged text-to-podcast episode using the latest AI technologies, and based on our latest report. For the full episode, or to read this or or any other report, subscribe at

What is Simplavida: Simplified Longevity?

Simplifying health, fitness, exercise, Zone 2, and longevity, with your hosts Dr. Paul Kedrosky and Howard Luks, MD. Paul Kedrosky is a frequently injured athlete who, when he isn’t rehabbing, is also a venture investor. Howard Luks is a top sports orthopedic surgeon.

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