This Day in AI Podcast


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00:00 - Thoughts After Daily Driving Anthropic's Claude Sonnet 3.5 
21:07 - OpenAI Delays ChatGPT Voice for Safety? Thoughts on OpenAI Releases Vs Anthropic
31:01 - Exclusive: Rabbit r2 Preview (the app) & Should We Exploit Sponsors?
36:04 - Major record Sony and Universal Music Group Suing UDIO / SUNO
41:51 - NBC's AI Olympics Coverage with Al Michaels
44:53 - Gemma 2 Open Weight Model Thoughts + Rant about Google's Dev Experience

What is This Day in AI Podcast?

This Day in AI Podcast is a podcast all about AI. It's an hour-long conversation on the influence and rise of AI in technology and society. Hosted by Michael and Chris Sharkey.