Films & Filth

We double down on Dune this year and take a trip to the theatre to see how its sandworm measures up.

Show Notes

We double down on Dune this year and take a trip to the theatre to see how its sandworm measures up.

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We spoke to Craig Campobasso about the 1984 Dune last spring.  He worked on the production staff of that version and is currently working on a documentary about the many species of aliens - an ET Almanac.  Check his project out here:

Luke is getting back into extensively talking about monsters, and you will want to hear him here - especially if you are into Monster Hunter:
Or the smaller, Pokemon kind:

Matt made the music you're hearing in between the bits, and you can dig that stuff here:

Or listen to Matt (and sometimes Luke) ramble about educational films, experimental films, and weird documentaries here:

Coming soon:
November 9 - The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy
November 16 - What Dreams May Come
November 23 - Spider-Man: The Dragon's Challenge
November 30 - Twilight Zone: The Movie

What is Films & Filth?

The Citizen Kane of Podcasting. Three dorks and often a guest have a look at the top 100 films and bottom 100 films as voted by iMDb users.