Robot Unicorn

Robot Unicorn Trailer Bonus Episode 12 Season 1

How Can I Reduce My Anger and Annoyance As A Highly Sensitive Parent?


Scott recently had a situation where he lost his cool with his toddler. In this episode, Jess and Scott unpack what happened and how he could do things differently next time by setting himself up for success as a highly sensitive person.

They discuss what it means to be highly sensitive, from noticing subtle textures and needing things a certain way to being more emotionally attuned. Scott shares his own challenges staying calm as a highly sensitive parent, especially when his sensory cup is full.

Jess offers practical tips for coping as a highly sensitive parent, like taking sensory breaks, setting boundaries, and having compassion for your unique needs. She emphasizes that there's nothing wrong with being a sensitive person, and learning to work with your sensitivity (or your partner's or child's sensitivity) comes with many beautiful gifts.

Through a thoughtful and, at times, humorous discussion, Scott and Jess model how partners can talk through triggering parenting moments to problem-solve together.

Listeners will gain insights into the highly sensitive parent experience and leave with new strategies to try.

Get 10% OFF parenting courses and kids' printable activities at Nurtured First [] using the code ROBOTUNICORN.

Learn more about the Solving Bedtime Battles course here [].


Editing by The Pod Cabin []

Artwork by Wallflower Studio []

Production by Nurtured First []

Show Notes

Scott recently had a situation where he lost his cool with his toddler. In this episode, Jess and Scott unpack what happened and how he could do things differently next time by setting himself up for success as a highly sensitive person.

They discuss what it means to be highly sensitive, from noticing subtle textures and needing things a certain way to being more emotionally attuned. Scott shares his own challenges staying calm as a highly sensitive parent, especially when his sensory cup is full.

Jess offers practical tips for coping as a highly sensitive parent, like taking sensory breaks, setting boundaries, and having compassion for your unique needs. She emphasizes that there’s nothing wrong with being a sensitive person, and learning to work with your sensitivity (or your partner's or child’s sensitivity) comes with many beautiful gifts.

Through a thoughtful and, at times, humorous discussion, Scott and Jess model how partners can talk through triggering parenting moments to problem-solve together.

Listeners will gain insights into the highly sensitive parent experience and leave with new strategies to try.

Get 10% OFF parenting courses and kids' printable activities at Nurtured First using the code ROBOTUNICORN.

Learn more about the Solving Bedtime Battles course here.


Editing by The Pod Cabin

Artwork by Wallflower Studio

Production by Nurtured First

Learn more about Parenting Little Kids and get 15% off this week.

What is Robot Unicorn?

Join me, Jess VanderWier, a registered psychotherapist, mom of three, and founder of Nurtured First, along with my husband Scott, as we dive deep into the stories of our friends, favourite celebrities, and influential figures.

In each episode, we skip the small talk and dive into vulnerable and honest conversations about topics like cycle breaking, trauma, race, mental health, parenting, sex, religion, postpartum, healing, and loss.

We are glad you are here.

PS: The name Robot Unicorn comes from our daughter. When we asked her what we should name the podcast, she confidently came up with this name because she loves robots, and she loves unicorns, so why not? There was something about the playfulness of the name, the confidence in her voice, and the fact that it represents that you can love two things at once that just felt right.