Always Be Testing

In this episode of the Always Be Testing podcast, Tye DeGrange introduces the show and its focus on growth, performance marketing, customer acquisition, paid media, and affiliate marketing. The episode features a panel discussion on leveraging AI for better marketing results, with insights from industry experts Alexis Contos (CMO of NEA), Cory Treffiletti (CMO of Rembrandt), Jennifer Barkley (VP of Commercial Marketing for Visa), and Tye DeGrange (CEO of Round Barn Labs).

What is Always Be Testing?

Your guided tour of the world of growth, performance marketing, customer acquisition, paid media, and affiliate marketing.

We talk with industry experts and discuss experiments and their learnings in growth, marketing, and life.

Time to nerd out, check your biases at the door, and have some fun talking about data-driven growth and lessons learned!