NewsData’s Energy West

If the West is going to electrify cars and buildings, decarbonize the grid and keep the lights on, it needs more high-voltage transmission, a lot more. One of the nation’s top transmission experts, Rob Gramlich, talks with NewsData reporter Dan Catchpole about how the West can build more and bigger transmission projects. Rob is founder of GridStrategies and coined the mnemonic device, the 3 P's of transmission: planning, permitting and paying. If you solve the 3 P's, you can build more transmission.

 This episode is part one of two. Check back later this month for part two!


What is NewsData’s Energy West?

Newsdata’s Energy West podcast delivers in-depth conversations with energy experts and weekly news updates about the energy industry in California, the Northwest and beyond. Stay plugged in with Newsdata’s award-winning journalists.