Own The Moment: NBA Top Shot, NFL All Day, and Sports NFT Podcast

Own The Moment: NBA Top Shot, NFL All Day, and Sports NFT Podcast Trailer Bonus Episode 6 Season 1

Danny Ukes (@DanVerno), NFT Trader and House of First Curator of Culture - Highs and Lows of NFTS E6

Danny Ukes (@DanVerno), NFT Trader and House of First Curator of Culture - Highs and Lows of NFTS E6Danny Ukes (@DanVerno), NFT Trader and House of First Curator of Culture - Highs and Lows of NFTS E6


Episode 6 of the Highs and Lows of NFTs features Danny Ukes AKA @DanVerno on Twitter and the NFT trading run during 2020 and 2021. We talk about how Danny turned NFTs into a full time job in a desired field and cover the early days into crypto, a scam that they fell for, how gaming captured attention and led to the first NFT purchase, and the journey from a few dollars to a few hundred thousand dollars. Danny also covers some insights into House of First and being a Curator of Culture while focusing on balance in life considering NFTs are not an end all be all.

Show Notes

Episode 6 of the Highs and Lows of NFTs features Danny Ukes AKA @DanVerno on Twitter and the NFT trading run during 2020 and 2021. We talk about how Danny turned NFTs into a full time job in a desired field and cover the early days into crypto, a scam that they fell for, how gaming captured attention and led to the first NFT purchase, and the journey from a few dollars to a few hundred thousand dollars. Danny also covers some insights into House of First and being a Curator of Culture while focusing on balance in life considering NFTs are not an end all be all.

What is Own The Moment: NBA Top Shot, NFL All Day, and Sports NFT Podcast?

Listen to some of the sharpest degenerates talk about the latest news, trends, and strategies for investing in NBA Top Shot, NFL All Day, and other Sports NFTs.

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